CMM in MineCraft!!

Camp isn’t camp without a campgrounds! So, as you all know, this summer we are playing around with the game Minecraft to create a virtual camp for ourselves. Below is everything you need to know about getting up and running with Minecraft in DS106.

NOTE: In order to connect to Minecraft & the associated TeamSpeak server, you need some information that we’d prefer not to put on this site “in the clear.” So, fill out the form below, and we’ll email it to you! We reserve the right to bump anyone from either server if they’re not a real participant in DS106!!

Purchase & Install

What!? We’re making you BUY something for DS106? What gives?

Trust us, we wouldn’t recommend you do this unless we though it was worth it. Minecraft isn’t that expensive ($27), and once you own it, you’ll get all the future updates for free.

NOTE: The company that makes Minecraft has begun offering versions for other systems, including iPhone/iPad/iPod and XBox 360. Unfortunately, these versions aren’t compatibile with the muliplayer server that we have set up for DS106! Boo-hoo. 

You can buy Minecraft here. When you purchase it, you’ll set up an account which you’ll need to use in order to play. So remember your username/password!

Next you’ll need to install it. On a PC, that means double-clicking on the install file and following the directions. On a Mac, that means double-clicking on the install file and placing the program in your Applications folder. Easy peasy.

Entering the DS106 Server

Once you’ve got Minecraft installed, you’ll want to launch it. You’ll be presented with the following screen. You’ll need to enter the account id/password that you created when you downloaded Minecraft.


On the next screen, you’ll want to choose “Multiplayer” mode.

To make it easier to connect in the future, on the next screen choose “Add Server” and enter the DS106 Minecraft server information.

Finally, after you enter the server information, choose the server you just added and click “Join Server.”

That’s it! You should be connected to Minecraft momentarily.

Using Minecraft

Go play!

Seriously. Go play! There is so much you can do in Minecraft, it would be impossible to tell you how to play. You just need to explore. But, here are a few things that might help:

  • If you’re new to the DS106 Minecraft server, you should “spawn” right by the Magic MacGuffin campgrounds. Look around and you’ll see a wooden walkway that will take you there.
  • Currently, the DS106 server is set to “Creative” mode. That means you have access to as many blocks of every type as you want — and you can’t die. If you find yourself in Minecraft and you ARE dying (there are monsters!), let me know, and I can change your player mode.
  • This wiki has more information about Minecraft than you could ever need. Start here.
  • Basic commands:
    • Clicking “e” should bring up your inventory
    • Clicking “t” will bring up the chat bar. You can chat with anyone who is currently on the server. Everyone will see what you say.
    • Numbers 1-9 will toggle what you are holding, based on what ever is occupying the 9 spaces at the bottom of the screen.
    • Just click to use whatever you are holding.
    • Right-click (or control click on the Mac) to place a block.
    • Double-click the space bar to fly.

Using the DS106 TeamSpeak Server

But, wait! There’s more!

This summer, we’ve purchased space on a TeamSpeak server. This is basically a server that let’s players talk to each other while we’re in the game, like on a party-line or group Skype call. Connecting to the TeamSpeak server requires a little bit of setup. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Download the TeamSpeak 3 client for your operating system (it’s FREE!) and install it.
  2. Launch TeamSpeak 3.
  3. Under “Connections” choose “Connect.”
  4. Enter the server Address (, a nickname for yourself, and the server password.
  5. Click Connect.
  6. If you have trouble hearing/speaking in TeamSpeak, go to the Settings menu and run the Setup Wizard.
  7. Talk!! (No one will hear you unless others are connected, too 😉

Get Connection Information for DS106 Minecraft & TeamSpeak

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