Writing Up Assignments The Camp Way

cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo shared by wcupmartin6

[wiki-embed url=’http://ds106.us/docs/Writing_Up_Assignments’ undefined ]

5 Responses to “Writing Up Assignments The Camp Way”

  1. Thanks Alan (aka CogDog) for the pingback to my “Color Splash” assignment. I am humbled to have one of my assignments listed with the very creative work of other DS106-ers. If your campers this summer, learn half as much as I did this Spring and faithfully practice their ABCs (“Always Be Creating” & “Always Be Commenting”), they will have an invigorating, creative learning experience.

    Take care & keep smiling 🙂 Brian

  2. Ben says:

    I bow across the void of the internet in your direction, sir! Thanks for the mention.

  3. Like my fellow DS106 lifers, I thank you for your mention and hope your summer class is having as much fun as we did in the spring. Here’s to creating art!