Send Us Your Bunk Group Photo

cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo shared by siolanthe

Now that our bunk house groups (see top menu) are formed, named, and even setting up house, we think it is time for a new task. Since this is the week of visual assignments, we’d like each group to compile a group photo of campers, so we can get to know you better (and so you can send home as a souvenir).

It might be hard to get a group pose, some you might have to collage edit them together, but please work on a group photo by the end of the week, and we will add it to your bunkpage. Please also post it in flickr and tag it macguffinbunkphoto.

One bunk for all! All for one!

One Response to “Send Us Your Bunk Group Photo”

  1. Naked Lunch Bunch, I need Pictures ASAP.
    Email me –>> [email protected] <<–

    Please & Thank You