Here’s my shot at a couple of DS106 radio bumpers. Hai!
That’s my story. Any Questions.
For Audio Assignment 466 I created my own alarm clock. The goal was to use sounds around us (no music, no voice). I am not one of those people who wake up easily and there are very few sounds that don’t irritate me early in the morning. However, I remembered the recording of nightingales I made last spring when I was in my holiday house in the country. My first idea was to use them to help me fall asleep, but instead they just woke me up even more. So, reassigning them to their new role was a logical thing:
cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo shared by Sergey Yeliseev
For Audio Assignment 152 I created my own ringtone. I used Roc by Aviary, which lets you create your own music. The drums I chose all come from the African Percussion section:
Roc is easy to use, especially if you watch the tutorial first. If you decide to play with Roc (it is highly addictive), you will find out that, due to its repetitive nature, Roc “music” is suitable for ringtones and alarm clocks.
I like this assignment because of its practical purpose. Whether you decide to actually use the ringtone or not, you will have good fun.
I enjoyed listening to this episode of This American Life with the overall topic of reruns. It caught my attention because I love reruns. I watch my favorite shows hundreds of times and I read my favorite books until there are creases in the spine. In the prologue, as well as throughout the entire radio show, you get a better understanding of what Ira Glass meant when he talked about “good taste” and being ruthless. The message of the show was clear and the show was fun to listen to because the important details were what stood out.
In Act One, all the topics that Ira Glass talked about on youtube were perfectly exemplified. There were the building blocks: the anecdote and the reflection. The anecdote being the actions of the movie, while the reflection is the interview with Trent Harris. It had the element of finding a great story, both in Starlee Kine finding the story of Trent Harris and in Trent Harris finding Beaver. Trent had good taste in making this movie over and over again. He never put in anything that would take away from the movie and always kept the important details in the movie. Also, the element of personal interaction was evident in Act One. Many connections were made through just one basic story and through those interactions you can internalize that story and see the real drama of the story come out.
The entirety of Act Two was centered around the basic building blocks of story-telling. The personal anecdotes that people tell and the reflections on why do these certain stories get re-told. I liked that in Act Two, there was more focus on why certain stories are told and how these stories affect personal interactions. In the case of Robert and Tamar, the story is now something shared between them because of a variation in detail.
In Act Three, the reflection raised an interesting issue of why people compare themselves to Rosa Parks. It made me stop and think of how the story of civil rights activists are carried through the years and used (improperly) as analogies. This act shows us how personal interaction is a powerful tool in story telling. The interaction between Rosa Parks and the bus driver is a great image for many people, but many distort the overall interaction that lead to this memorable event.
Finally. I got around to making a few animated Gifs. I chose Ghost World. I love Thora Birch’s interpretation of Enid. Birch’s expressions are priceless, and kind of capture what I feel at least a few times a week. Is it healthy to possess so much teenage angst at 36? I’m not so sure.
I decided to use the first day of summer school since the expressions in this scene sum up how Enid feels about a lot of the bullsh**ery that exists in the adult world. For those of you who haven’t seen the movie or read the comic, Enid has just graduated from high school with the provision that she take and pass a summer art class since she failed the class during the school year. Enid happens to be a talented artist. I wonder how Enid would have done if she were in a class structured more like an independent study…
Here are those Gifs…
There’s too much dead time at the beginning of this first clip, but it was the first attempt.
This one didn’t turn out quite as I had imagined either. I also screwed up on the resizing. But these things happen.
This one is my favorite:
I followed Jim Groom’s tutorial. Very helpful stuff there.
I used sound effects from to make this story. In Audacity, I complied them together into a recognizable pattern that would tell a story. I trimmed up sound effects where I thought it was needed and overlapped sounds to make a more effective story.
I listened to other sound effect stories to find inspiration and found a lot of suspenseful stories. I was then reminded of what Ira Glass said about story telling, “the power of the anecdote is so great that no matter how boring the material is…there’s suspense in it.” That idea struck a chord with me, the sound effect story does not have to be blatantly suspenseful to be a successful story. Why not use boring material to create story? This question made me brainstorm of boring situations. Where is the feeling of being bored the strongest? The last minutes of a class, obviously. The sequence of actions is completely boring, a person watches a clock, feels bored, sighs, and then finally the bell rings. Simple story but there is a underlying suspense that is just a strong as running from an unknown attacker.
There is a sense of anxiousness in the story, we all now that everyone is waiting for the bell to ring. You remember the feeling of being antsy waiting for that bell. That leads us to the question, why? Why are they impatient? What is happening that they just cannot wait for? The possibilities are endless, a date, a vacation, or simply freedom from school. Where is this person headed next? I left the end of the story to you.
One of this week’s require assignment is Audio Assignments 36—Create a ds106 radio bumper (2 stars). I confess that I have not yet tuned into ds106 radio. To get a sense of some of the other bumpers that have been created I started trolling my way through other campers blogs, noting what I liked or didn’t about each piece.
Ultimately, I wanted to do something that would stand out and be attention getting. I don’t like the sound of my recorded voice so I wanted to minimize my vocal participation. I started thinking through song lyrics and tunes that might be cool to smash together, but my technical skills are inhibiting me.
Then I remembered a classic scene from the movie “When Harry Met Sally”. You know the one…in the restaurant, Meg Ryan’s character Sally shows Harry her version of a fake orgasm. It was a great scene that makes many people giggle and blush. When Sally is done, an older woman at another table tells the waitress “I’ll have what she’s having.”
I thought that sounds effects of the fake orgasm and the older woman’s line would be a great way to peak curiosity about ds106.
DS106 I’ll Have What She’s Having… by Chanda Sorrell Cowger
Once I had my idea, I went in search of the sound clip from the movie. Finding it on, I downloaded the mp3 file to my laptop so that I import it into Audacity. Once in the program, I listened to it a few times, trimming it and looking for where to incorporate the DS106 plug. I was about to shortened the pause in the clip, when I decide to just use that break in the sound to insert the words DS106 there. I like the way it turned out. Simple to do and effective, I think.
This is my first shot at the DS106 Radio Bumper. For some reason, when I was creating the bumper I couldn’t stop thinking about the Looney Toons. I found the opening theme on and added the theme in as an opener. I then clipped several different songs to create the message in the bumper. I complied all the clips together in Audacity.
Having an assignment like this that is so open to creative interpretation is amazingly fun, yet at the same time, frustratingly hard. You want to create something awesome and memorable and you have to narrow down which resources you use and the multitude of ideas that you have brainstormed. I played with the idea of adding in clips from Doctor Who, The Simpsons, and Star Trek. I toyed with the idea of a musical interlude, different sounds, and different song choices. This was the final cut and I had fun manipulating it until I was happy.
While I was making this bumper, I was trying to figure out how the Looney Toons figured into DS 106. Yet, I thought of all the fun and craziness that accompanies the Bugs Bunny and all his co-cartoons. It definitely makes sense now and has it says in the Tiny Toons theme, “Expect the Unexpected” which seems to be a guiding philosophy at DS 106.
So in the words of Porky the Pig, “That’s All Folks!”
Texting has taken over the social world. About 5 years ago mainly teens were texting, but now everyone is texting. Let’s be honest, when we are driving down the highway we see people texting and driving, some of us do it ourselves. In high school, I signed a pledge to not text and drive. More than 100 students at my school signed it and I definitely followed the pledge.
Doing this assignment was very hard at first. I didn’t know exactly where to get my sounds or how to edit it together. Finally it all came together. I went onto and found some sounds that dealt with closing doors, driving, receiving a text, texting back, a crash, screaming, and sirens. I opened up Windows Video Maker and edited all the sounds together and made my story.
This assignment was fun to do, but I also wanted it to be a lesson. Texting can wait when you are driving, especially because thousands of people have died because of it. Just because you think that you are a “pro” at texting, doesn’t mean this can’t happen to you. Think about it, it a text really worth losing your life.?
For more information and facts about texting and driving, click here — Texting and Driving
To sign the pledge, click here — “It Can Wait”
I hope you enjoy this story, learn the dangers, and understand TEXTING IS NOT THAT SERIOUS.
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