This is a video I created for a Daily Create Assignment that required me to make a video of me saying “I love DS106″. It was really fun to make and forced me to find and utilize tools that I wouldn’t normally have used. Just wish I had more time to work on this video.
Archive for the ‘magicmacguffin’ Category
I Heart U DS106!
Friday, June 1st, 2012Welcome to The Monkey House ???
Friday, June 1st, 2012The Bunkhouse One group for Camp Magic MacGuffin is looking to establish an identity through a name and group logo.
Welcome to the Monkey House is a collection of short stories by Kurt Vonnegut, first published in 1968. Maybe we could be The Monkey House?
The DRAFT 1 logo is designed to fit a traditional square avatar/icon footprint. I’d like to make some adjustments to the spacing around the edges — the ears are too close to the boundary for my liking.
Draft 2 is nice in that it includes all three of the retro icons together. Another option would be to have three variations on Draft 1, with each of the typewriter, microphone, and camera substituted in the centre.
The oh-so-cool retro icons are by Mike Demetriou — they really seem to capture the visual, auditory, and text modes of storytelling as exemplified by ds106 The Daily Create in an old-school Vonnegut kind of way.
I replicated the monkey from an old clip art image using vector objects in Fireworks. In these drafts, the three monkeys are identical. In a later draft, I’d individualize them — possibly adding hands to wind up with the See-No, Hear-No, and Speak-No monkeys.
So, does Bunkhouse One like the homage and idea (and catchy title!) of being Monkeys?
Update: 1:33 PM June 1st At this point, there are 26 suggested names for Bunkhouse One. Eight of them feature Monkeys!
- The Monkey House
- the mONkEy House (reference to Bunkhouse One)
- Monkeys with Typewriters
- Monkeys with Sticks and Birchbark (older school, rustic camp setting for writing)
- Funky Monkees
- Funky Monkeys in their Bunkies
- Monkeys in PJs
- One Funky Monkey Bunk
Apparently we’ll be polling later this evening …
Assignment from FanFic Category
Friday, June 1st, 2012Blogging Camp Macguffin Style
Friday, June 1st, 2012The summer online version of ds106 that Martha Burtis and I are teaching is off like a rocket- but there is no reason why you cannot jump on board; just head over to Camp Magic Macguffin and follow the right side link to sign up. There is no worry about coming in later, although our bunk house groups are coalescing and currently bonding, kum bah ya-ing.
As a point of notice (or to help me sort out my own blog personality disorder), I will be doing any assignment work right from here, the home blog, under the ds106 tag. However, as part of the storytelling of the storytelling course, I decided to play with a video blog, hosted under tumblr, but mounted here under the subdomain,
I have noticed, and came across a few references to it elsewhere in the google-verse, that tumblr blogs are rather long cached, and feeds may not update for like 12 hours. I cannot locate any official statement on that, but I have noticed a lag between the posts and the feed.
I am primarily doing it as a video blog for my reports from camp. If you followed ds106 last year, you know there was a lot of weird shit that went down, with revolutions, kidnappings, banishment, chainsaws…. weird. The whole premise of this year is to bring a sense of calmness and safety to a fun camp experience, all about artistic creativity and self-actualization. Rainbows and unicorns are our mascot, even if there is a counselor running around with a hatchet, and apparently Uncle Hector is loose in the woods.
@mikeberta FYI a large crate addressed to you on camp loading dock from Cryogenics Inc. Its busted open, Uncle Hector IS LOOSE IN THE WOODS
— Alan Levine (@cogdog) June 1, 2012
SO far, I have had to fly to Canada for my orientation with the camp holding company, CVI, and met our operations manager, Mr E (odd dude). The made me do some sort of survival things in the woods, which I guess I passed, and then I was dropped back in camp last night with some mystery package I am instructed to give to Marco, the facilities guy. My curiosity got the better of me, and I peeked inside the package, and have been suffering intense headaches since then.
But our campers are right on target, our UMW students are up and blogging, we have had some great campfire discussions (especially the last one with Bryan Alexander) that have worked out well with the live broadcasting and auto archiving of Google Hangouts.
We’ve handed out some camp badges, yes BADGES, BADGES, we got bad ass badges! See the bottom of the week 2 newsletter for our campers of the week, and Martha has even gone and made a flickr group so anyone can make and give out badges. We know that Counselor Doodlebug has been sending some out as well, like:
cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo shared by giulia.forsythe
I think things are going well, there are a few anonymous notes whining “where is Jim Groom?” – and Jim and I have chatted much of the time- he really wants to be a camper and work on hos bead necklaces and sand paintings. It’s time for a new change of ds106, don;t you want to be part of the merriness?
And remember, ds106 is the place to come this summer as a break from those silly old MOOCs! And remember, NOTHING BAD IS GOING TO HAPPEN THIS SUMMER, NOTHING!
Wow, I need some rest, tomorrow is another busy days, chasing campers and keeping tabs on the counselors. We hear there might be some ruckus between bunks four and five.
Michael Wesch Video Reflection
Friday, June 1st, 2012The video of Michael Wesch’s presentation was extremely insightful and relative to me. I loved it and really got sucked into what he was talking about. His passion and belief in his approach shows very strongly. Dr. Wesch really got to the problem of today’s educational system. The lack of enthusiasm in schools is truly unbelievable compared to the passion and excitement my generation displays for other things. This failure to connect what is taught in classrooms to students’ self journey is hindering students and professors alike. I can see this in my own experiences. Courses that step outside the box, and focus more on grading me based on what I have LEARNED rather than just assignments turned in tend to interest me more. And I tend to perform better in them. Also courses that I can make a direct connection to- whether it be my identity, career choice, personal interests, etc – usually end up getting more of my time and genuine effort invested in them.
When I think about ‘creating my own space online’, his explanations and views on media immediately clicked. I started a personal blog about 5 months ago. It was nothing serious or extravagant, just things that interested me or caught my eye. As I grew more and more addicted to blogging, I found that it really was reflecting my emotions at the time, things that inspired me, things I could relate to, and identified with. Looking at my archive I realized that it really was ‘my own space’, it was an embodiment of myself in this blog. So when Dr. Wesch stated that ‘a whole lot of our identity is actually what is reflected back toyou by your environment/people’, I completely understood it. My identity is structured in the paradigm that is my environment- my school, family, friends, workplace, area. If you have ever traveled, it becomes clearer. I spent 3 months last summer in Egypt (first time going in my adult life), and thought how my identity had been restructured because I was no long in familiar stomping grounds. I was surrounded by a new language, people, culture, and ME in relation to the people around me was different then back home because my familial/social relationship to them was different from the people back home in the states.
As I create this blog, I recognize I am yet again creating my own space online. This time it will not only be tumblr posts of quotes and pictures that I like, but more personally created things. So I will not only be expressing myself through other objects, but by creations of my own. Creating that much more vivid an identity online.
Today’s camp report, all is happy and rainbow-ish among…
Friday, June 1st, 2012
Today’s camp report, all is happy and rainbow-ish among the campers. The toll on keeping up the cheerfulness is high, and the headaches are still intense, even with the tylonel with codeine. Anyhow, I did my survey work on the new camp property, and filed my photos and reports to Mr E. The guy never says thanks or even lets me know if I am doing what they want.
I also took the mystery package to Marco, the facilities guy, who really does not seem to trust me. He kept asking me if I had looked at it, and he probably knows I am lying. He kept glancing over my shoulder as he walked off, like he was checking to see if I was following.
I went the other way, but his work boots and limp are so noticeable it did not take a freaking Apache Scout to find he had taken it to that locked up blue shed on the west side of Lake Macguffin. It’s closed up, and has no windows, but emits a steady hum.
And then people keep whispering and sliding my notes on the door wondering about Jim Groom. He’s right here, people see him and laugh at his jokes during arts and crafts, and he keeps giving the little kids in bunk 2 wedgies.
The whole pressure of keeping anything bad from happening at camp is tremendous. I need your help to make sure that the rainbow meter stays at 11.
Can’t Think Of How To Say This: A Video Daily Create
Friday, June 1st, 2012Today’s Daily Create 144:
Slow Down – Daily Create #144 – Create a video where you say…
Friday, June 1st, 2012
Slow Down – Daily Create #144 – Create a video where you say “I love DS106” ten times.
Letter #1
Friday, June 1st, 2012Dear anyone,
I joined DS106 formally this summer with some reservations about my ability to participate fully, but I have some distinct goals of my own that I’ll aim for through this experience:
- Experience an open course from the student perspective
- Discover new ways to engage and interact with total strangers in learning scenarios
- Organize some of my own summer activities through digital storytelling
Of course, the DS106 camp counselors have designated these goals specifically related to my latter:
- Develop skills in using technology as a tool for networking, sharing, narrating, and creative self-expression
- Frame a digital identity wherein you become both a practitioner in and interrogator of various new modes of networking
- Critically examine the digital landscape of communication technologies as emergent narrative forms and genres
I’ve bolded those that I self-assess as those skills or areas I hope to hit on.
Hello world!
Thursday, May 31st, 2012Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!