Telling a joke in general is difficult enough… but in another language thats the challenge. I decided to do Spanish because I’m terrible at the language and thought it would be fun. I found my joke on
The translation of “Hay Tres clases de personas”- There are three kinds of people, “las que saben contar y las que no.”- Those who know how to count, and those who don’t.
I played the song “Zungazungazungazunga” by YellowMan and found the laughing voice on
Instead of using Final Cut Pro, I used my own talents of recording everything myself through Sound Cloud. It doesn’t sound as smooth as The Sound Effect Story, but still well worth knowing how to use both.
I decided to do this joke because I am terrible/awful/embarrassingly bad at math and thought it was very suitable. I chose to do Spanish like I said earlier because my attempts to learn it in High School was a fail… so I figured why not try and learn a joke in the language I can hardly speak!