Archive for the ‘bunk4’ Category


Hatchet Jack Writes Some Words

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

All our Magic Macguffin campers are engaged in writing weekly letters back home to mom and pop or family they may have. Hatchet Jack, as you might imagine, has no family to write to. And Hatchet Jack really ain’t much of a wordsmith. He is more of a campfire tall tale kinda fellow. So Hatchet Jack is gong to talk like he is sitting around a campfire with some fellow campers on a warm evening by the shores of Lack Macguffin.

This week our campers started on some projects related to the animated Gif. The idea is to really focus in on a moment of time in a short sequence of images that a bit of motion makes stronger, or brings out the essence of the images message, or something like that. I made one with Randle McMurphy trying to lift an impossibly heavy water feature from a psychiatric hospital. He was straining and trying and tying so hard to get that damn thing out of the ground. His effort and determination was what I tried to capture.

This week we also had out bunkhouses assigned campers and we got to know them a little better. We came up with a bunkhouse name. Our bunkhouse 4 is called, “Slaughterhouse 4.” No relation to the word “Hatchet” in my name.

We also sent out a call for bunkhouse monikers or logos. I made one. It is below.

I tried to make it like a badge because at camp you might get badges. So we will be ready to sew on this badge if it should be the selected logo for our bunkhouse.

The administrators added a wonderful feature to our campsite. They added bunkhouse pages to we can see recent activity from just those in our bunkhouse.

This week Hatchet Jack saw as he was peering into the bright white of the internet saw two things. One being that it is commenting that holds the internet together. Some camper from another bunk mentioned that a Dr. Oblivion, who was once employed at this camp,  had apparently scrawled that into a tree years ago down by Lake Macguffin. The camper also noted that a Jim Groom has made similar comments, but slightly different language. He is known for saying, “Commenting is the adhesive that sucks the webs together.” Whatever. He appears to be a creepy guy.

In the white light Hatchet Jack also had a revelation similar to the one he had at Camp Counselor training day when the administrator @cogdog said, “There is no guilt in #ds106.”

The white blurted out to Hatchet Jack,

“There is no behind in #ds106, only forward.”

Jack thought that was a bright idea from the bright white light of thought.

So forward it is, and on we go campers!

The Gospel

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

Gospel by shaping













This is a very basic story in the Bible. It starts with the miraculous birth of Jesus. With all the challenges (moving from place to place to avay from Herold and finally giving birth in a manger) faced by the parents, the process not a smooth one hence a curve. He stayed on earth until when He was 30 before He was persecuted by Humans to be killed(that also a very rough process). On the third day He arose, met His disciples and then ascended into heaven. His return is unknown till date.

Trouble In Paradise

Friday, June 1st, 2012

After a great week of blogging and learning, I had a rough patch these past few days.

I moved into my brand new house that had belonged to a UMW sports team for 8 years. The house took a beating and now we have a hoard of construction workers, plumbers, painters and electricians banging away at all hours. My room is unlivable, but I’m still living here. They’re fixing the entire main floor, basement and renovating the bathrooms, so long story short: I’m high on paint fumes and can’t shower very effectively.

Also, I just got internet today. Thank you, Cox internet service for sending me an installation kit with nothing in it to install. Also, thank you Verizon for taking 2 hours and still, I walked out without internet. Now I’m on a limited internet service for 2 weeks, which is when I will return the device and get all of my money back, and hopefully have a real system set up. Aye, carumba.

So, my apologies to my lack of interaction this week, I’ll make up for it tomorrow with some fabulous posts and responses to the work I did.


ds106 – Digital storytelling summer camp

Friday, June 1st, 2012

Inspired by Jeff McClurken, I’m going to attend Camp Macgic Macguffin this summer as a virtual participant in ds106. I am already behind, but with school ending this week I hope to tackle more activities soon, as well as to involve my son. Self-directed learning in community, here I come. Mad props to Bunk 4.

Here are a few of my early responses to The Daily Create, and following those are screenshots of my new (in-progress) pad on the ds106 Minecraft server.

The Daily Create 137

The Daily Create 137

The Daily Create 138

The Daily Create 138

@chadsansing's beach house & mine

@chadsansing’s beach house & mine

@chadsansing's beach house & mine

@chadsansing’s beach house & mine

I’m thrilled to find two other NWP teachers in my bunk, and it’s been great to “meet” and see the work of familiar tweeps at play. If you want to practice digital story-telling this summer and learn how it feels as a learner, I say join in!

I Love DS106 – Daily Create #144

Friday, June 1st, 2012

Part of The Daily Create series

Diving into the DS106 Pool and Camping Magic Macguffin Style – Part 2

Friday, June 1st, 2012

Watching Michael Wesch‘s lecture “From Knowledgeable to Knowledge-able” (part 1 and part 2) was a great return to some  thought provoking material for me. I had the fortune of meeting Wesch briefly and seeing an earlier version of this lecture … Continue reading

Fast Motion – Daily Create #140

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

Fast Motion

Part of The Daily Create series

Hatchet Jack Tries an Animated Gif

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

Ol Hatchet Jack here flexing my digital Gif muscles with a little of one of my very favorite scenes in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. The scene has Randle attempting to lift a massive water fixture from the floor and toss it out the window of the hospital so he might wander on outta there. The patients know he can’t do it. Maybe Randle knows that too but he sure as heck is gonna try. And we find some wisdom in his words,

But I tried, didn’t I? Goddamn it, at least I did that.

Maybe I have some name connection to Jack Nickolson here. We are both Jacks after all. But more than that I think this scene in the move had some fine acting, similar to his presence in A Few Good Men when he is on the witness stand. Pretty amazing stuff. The lines in the book resonate with me as I learn myself to push my envelope a bit and try things I may not think I can actually do. I learned about that riding mountain bikes with teenagers too. I had to go first. I had to try lest they make fun of me or try it first and get hurt…

Jack did this gif using Photoshop and five screen captures from YouTube. Not the easiest, but it works save the grainy look. I added some “tweening” between the frames to smooth it out just a bit. The clip itself jumped real quick from his head looking down a little and then looking up. It was pretty fast in this scene.

So campers, let’s go give it a try and see what we find today!

Week 1 Letter Home

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012


Throughout the first week of camp, the campers including myself set up all of our media outlets including, YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, Hippie Hosting, Word press, and others. I have slowly started to explore these different media web sites. I posted my first YouTube video about a family legend, which is my father.

I watched a video about Dr. Michael Wesch, an Anthropologist professor at Kansas University. His questions and research involved why students have trouble learning in class and if more people were driven by questions what would the world be like. More questions that he thought about while spending time in New Guiney is who am I? How will I get recognition from it? People only feel the need to know who they are if they are in a society in which they are familiar with. He came to realize that there is a new type of media. An identity is not about yourself but about the people around you, who actually know and care for you. The media can mediate relationships, especially with new outlets such as Facebook and Twitter.

Also discussed was Global Collaboration. People share things over the Internet sometimes with out even knowing one another. For example music and pictures are often used in peoples films, advertisements or short clips. Wesch believes that students learn exactly what they do outside of the classroom. He thinks that social media can be a positive and negative influence among students. It creates community and surveillance, isolation and participation, a better democracy and distraction for all students.

I’ve already had somewhat of an understanding of social media and how it alters relationships and builds them, but after this week I have learned so much more. I am excited to see what is to come in the following weeks!

Ups and Downs

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

Thanks to the inspiration of my good friend (and constant inspiration) I have been posting positive learning moments on Facebook recently. She started doing so to counter the feelings all of the standardized testing was causing (she teaches third grade). I loved the idea and started doing so as well. It helps me to start my day thinking of these positive events.

One day last week I wrote this:

Fun learning moment for today: I headed out walking around our school this morning looking for objects which my students might wonder about and ran into a former student. She’s now a fourth grader and has a rough time at home. She walked with me looking for objects and had a great eye for ideas and thought about what my first graders would find most interesting. I wanted pinecones and she pointed out the right kind of trees (something I didn’t know). She was so thoughtful, it started my day off right!

That was a great up for my day.

The next morning I had to run back out to my car for something I had forgotten. As I walked towards my car I noticed the same girl sitting on the same bench in front of the school. She does so most days. I think she is just looking for a quiet moment to herself. (When it’s cold or rainy our principal will open her office window and call to this little one to come keep her company.)

As I watched the girl’s mother pulled up, got out of the car, and went over to yell at her daughter. I couldn’t hear the words but I could hear the tone. When the girl stood up she smacked her on the bottom, pointed to the car, and kept yelling until her daughter was inside the car. Then she got in and drove away.

As she pulled out of our parking lot she passed our principal walking in and they waved at one another. I walked over and shared what I had seen. My principal was quite surprised, given that the mother had just smiled and waved.

That was a serious down for the day.