“It is very important to us that you take time to reflect upon your contributions to the course and the work you’ve done. To that end, if you are unsure about where you stand in the class, and would like confirmation, the first step is for you to write your own summary of your work this summer: How do you feel you’ve done keeping up with the assignments? What have you struggled with? What efforts have you made to address those struggles or find solutions? What grade do you think you deserve based on this analysis?” -The Esteemed Directors of Camp Magic Macguffin
Hmmm…this post is kind of hard for me to write, because I know I’ve had some problems keeping up with the class. I know it’s never good to make excuses, but I have been very busy with two jobs and I’ve encountered some unexpected events this summer, unfortunately. Quite honestly, I think taking an online class may have been a little ambitious for me. I really enjoyed the class and I truly wish I had more time to spend on it. I do realize I missed a full two weeks in the middle and am significantly behind grade wise because of that. I am disappointed in myself for going MIA for the two weeks. I was very overwhelmed with some things in my life, and just decided to shut down. For this, I think I probably deserve a C- or a D for my camp performance. Maybe even that’s a little ambitious. I do believe I submitted some quality, well-thought out assignments during my time at camp. I’ve tried my best to keep up these last couple of weeks. I have been really proud of the work I have submitted. I was very surprised with some of my project results; I never thought I could do some of the things I did! It’s always nice to surprise yourself. Despite some of the setbacks along the way, I am truly glad to have taken this course. Thanks for reaching out to me when I needed it and for still having faith in me! It’s been a stressful, yet very fun 10 weeks. I’m going to miss everyone at Camp Magic Macguffin! I look forward to seeing your digital stories in the future. Keep in touch, campers!
xo, marcey109