Archive for the ‘counselor’ Category


By the Banks of Lake Macguffin

Saturday, May 12th, 2012

Ol’ Hatchet Jack is busy getting ready for the campers. This morning I went out to Lake Macguffin to see if I might find a spot for a tent or secret cabin for them little campers. I know they are building some fancy new camper cabins, but we are going to need secret hideaways and forts!

There seemed to be an inordinate amount of trash around the lake. Perhaps when it was drained some varmits brought stuff what was at the bottom, back to the shores? Anyway, I know it was a camp before these new folks purchased it.

Here is some video I shot lake side this morning.

I also added my two cents, or a hatchet in this case, to our pack bag that one of the camp directors shared with us. You should add your ideas too! Camp Director Alan shared some nice views of  Lake Macguffin with us and a nice look at the new pavilion! I am sure excited to see what the new camp look like!

I am wondering if we might map out the camp?

Chopping Wood, or Whatever is in Front of Me!

Friday, May 11th, 2012

I would not want to go to camp where the counselors told me my bunk house was like the Bates Motel. Who knows, maybe the campers are too young to know about the Bates place? That is about as far as Ol’ Jack got thinking about his new cabin, or tent, or whatever.  Hatchet Jack has work to do!

Yesterday , thanks to @leelzebub there was great inspiration to “make place” and it was clear that the process of creating a home is a necessary part of the camping experience. All camps have place and it is essential we create ours.  Today there was even more inspiration from @scottlo and it shows the rich physical diversity of the camp itself. What a wondrous camp thinks Hatchet Jack!

Having been absent from the great GIF I decided that I should practice before the campers arrive. And that it would only be fitting to practice on work about place and our Magic Macguffin cabins, or RVs, or whatever we find. So for @scottlo I give him blinking stars and a warm crackling fire. With love, Hatchet Jack.

Howdy Campers! Ol’ Hatchet Jack Here Ready to Chop Some Stuff Up!

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

Yup, jus like the one in that thar film. Jeremiah Johnson. Ha, just kidding. I don’t really talk like that. But I do love the movie Jeremiah Johnson. And not to worry, I ain’t a madman with a hatchet. My real name is Billy, but you can call me Jack.


Andy Rush with a mullet.

Wednesday, March 7th, 2012

Andy Rush with a mullet.