Archive for the ‘Designassignments Designassignments428 ds106’ Category


What people think I do

Thursday, June 14th, 2012

CREW ROWING what i do © by katherinekd101

CREW ROWING what i do


“What People Think I do” has been one of the most popular memes that have circulated around the internet this year so far. How could I resist NOT doing an assignment like this?! I based this around rowing. I fell in love with crew during the Spring 2012 semester and now constantly crave it… only 2 more months :) . However, while doing crew I encountered a lot of “what my friends think” “What my parents think” “What strangers think” and then the cruel reality. 90% of the time I am rowing, but when I have time off I curl into a small ball and sleep for hours… even for days (that was a one time deal).


Once again my trusty friend PowerPoint helped me design this. I used Photoshop to reduce the size of the images so I could upload the photo into FLICKR. From all of the various options PowerPoint offers now, I chose a nice solid black background, it seemed suitable. From there I pasted each image in the order I wanted (design moment!) Under each image is a text saying “What X thinks I do” I used text box for this part. I decided to take a screen snapshot of my finished product. I found this to be a very tool as well. For anyone who has a MAC BOOK PRO and doesn’t know how to do this, simply download an application called “grab” it comes with the computer. This allows you to easily take snap shots :) .