Archive for the ‘DesignAssignments110’ Category


Movie Poster for My DS106 Website

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

This design assignment to make a movie poster for your website appealed to me on many levels (not least of which is the many years I spent working in movie theatres and collecting movie posters).

Having titled my site a DS106 Odyssey, I started looking for sailing ships, thinking of the original tale by Homer.  I realized that for the right look I needed an older photograph, something for which it was unlikely to have CC-licensed images available.

So, I turned again to the Flickr Commons, that great collections of images from archives and museums.  This image of a 19th-century yacht came from the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, Australia.


The subtitle is a reference to my own goals in this course, to push myself out of my comfort zone.


DS106 Odyssey Poster


Thoughts?  Comments?  Suggestions?