Archive for the ‘DesignAssignments596’ Category


Venn in the DC Universe?

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

After struggling, for hours, to create a venn diagram in Word, Excel, and GIMP. I went and found, an online diagram making software. It was simple and easy to use. You drag out the shapes, shift them into position and then add the text.

At first, I had no idea what to put into a Venn Diagram. I looked at others to find my inspiration but nothing was coming. Then I started thinking, what do I want to put in the middle? Who deserves to be in the middle? Who beats out everyone else? Batman! Duh. It took me a while to come up with attributes that would put him in the middle, while having other heroes in the diagram as well.

I subscribe to the DC Universe. DC has all of the big boys and girls, including my favorite hero of all, Batman. A human who fights psychotic villains, bosses around heroes with superpowers, and manages to run a successful business. You can’t do much better than that!

Venn? Now!

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

I got this thing for information graphics. It’s a Zazzy thing — can’t explain it. At any rate, Alan’s assignment was just what I was looking for to express my lifelong fascination with old movies, aging TV series, and the inscrutable weirdness of the bible. Dig it:

Venn Gandalf

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

I’ve been all day peeking at the different design magic of Stephen Wildish’s site, I think we linked last year to one of his film alphabets, but all of his work has powerful elements of graphic design we are introducing this week to ds106 / Camp Magic Macguffin.

The one that got under my skin was the Yoda Ven diagram, which outlines the possible intersections of “Green”, “Small”, and “Poor Grammar”, and when you run intersections of these you get:

I knew I wanted to make this a new design assignment, so I did- Venn Pop Culture:

In the vein of Stephen WIldish’s “Yoda Venn” (see for all of of his designs), design a Venn diagram of three circles, each representing an attribute, where each overlap defines a figure from popular culture.

I had a harder time coming up with three that worked, and gave my all the combinations. I then aimed to define the intersection of all three characteristics to get them all to describe Gandalf, and that broke down into “Old” “Long Hair”, and “Powerful”. Here is what I got:

I tossed out about 10 other starts that failed. This is not easy! Making the graphic was simple in GIMP, a gradient background, and three overlapping circle selections with fill and “multiply” for layer effect.

And what does this mean? Well everyone likes Gandalf, they want an old powerful wizard on their side. The hair? Works for me. The more fun relationships are the 2 sided cross overs.

So Venn will you do this assignment?