Archive for the ‘DesignAssignments613’ Category


Design Assignment: Hark! A Tapestry!

Friday, July 20th, 2012

Tell a Tale on a Tapestry: Go to Bildwirkerey von Bayeuxbe at , where you will find the “Historic Tale Constrvction Cit”, a web-based app inspired by the Tapestry of Bayeux. Follow the directions to create your own tapestry, then be sure to share it with us!

I found the “Historic Tale Constrvtion Cit” at Bildwirkerey von Bayeux while doing some Tumblr surfing. It’s funny what you can find on the Internet when you’re not even trying.

The Cit you find at the site is actually a reproduction of a defunct web app created by two German students, Karnebogen and Jungbluth, using Flash. The app was apparently an early source on the Internet for memes.

The Cit was rebuilt in 2011 by Johannes Jander using HTML and Javascript. I dub him an Honorary D106 Internaut for his initiative in preserving a cool and unique piece of Internet history that otherwise might have passed some of us younger users by.