Archive for the ‘DigiOuijas’ Category


The Day After Album Cover #ds106

Monday, July 16th, 2012

picture of SL AvatarWhile the ds106 video weeks have gone speeding by like some kind of super-luminal neutrinos, I’m still trying to wrap up my account of the audio radio project. Here’s the summary of my project.

The DigiOuijas (Bunk 5 group) decided on a theme of the morning after the apocalypse. Each participating member created a short piece which was compiled into the final production. I decided to write a story loosely based on the Mayan Apocalypse (scheduled for 12/21/2012) in which time and space come to an end in order to make way for a new world. I wrote a story from the perspective of a survivor who somehow finds his way into the new world, albeit transformed into an alien form, no longer human.
Since the project was audio, I wanted something more than just myself narrating the story, so to give it some aural interest, I had my story read by a text to voice reader. I intentionally searched for a reader that was less than perfect, so that the voice was distinctly unnatural. I used an online service at After the story mp3 was created, I added in some sound effects (mostly from I used Audacity for the audio edits.

Here’s a  the embed of my story on Soundcloud.
DayAfter by wwnorm


Alan posted a link to the whole show (and all the other shows here) 

After the story was uploaded, there was some chatter online about a possible gathering in Second Life where the DS106 radio feed could be heard. I thought it would be fun to join in. I’ve used Second Life a few times, and I’ve seen some really outrageous avatars there. I got a crazy idea to create a avatar of my transformed apocalypse survivor to bring to the Second Life meeting. Not knowing anything about Avatar generation in Second Life, I turned to my Second Life go-to person, @Cris2B ( to see if she had any tips to get me started. In response she offered to work with her Second Life partner Ajax to make the Avatar for me based on my description.  That’s one of the great things about ds106; the sharing, helping, spirit. A day or so later later, they came back with this awesome Second life creature for me to use. Some screenshots were tweeted during the airing of the radio shows. Here’s a few more.


While the turnout in Second Life was not huge, we had fun listening to all the radio projects there. By the way, the sound quality of the DS106 radio feed was excellent in Second Life so there was no downside to listening in from there. We had fun taking pictures of the alien avatar and exchanging remarks on the broadcasts in the Second Life chat area.

I wanted to do something with some of the screenshots from Second life, so I decided to make an album cover for the DigiOuijas radio broadcast. I hope none of my bunk mates are upset that I made this album cover so self-centered, but if you are, you can always go make your own album cover. So here it is, front and back:

That’s my story. Any questions?