Day 4 of the Seven Day Daily Create Challenge brings you an audio challenge, to record an audio of a really annoying telemarketing call. Obviously many people have gotten these! We have to date 18 of them in the collection.
There was definitely some fun with it as people came up with annoying voices or products. Some of the favorites are just below the blog fold.
Wes Fryer perfects The Voice in his pitch for a home nasal device
Debt collectors figured prominently, such as this gem from UMW student Chanda
Martha reveals the telephone pitch that got her the job at Camp Magic Macguffin
For those difficult situations in offices with a shared fridge, well there’s a product for that
And maybe the most original idea pitched,. Audrey Watters got a call offering the opportunity to pawn for college degree
Again I am tickled to see the creativity roll in, and people are especially paying attention to including graphics in their Soundcloud uploads.
People like Malkwyn are staying tough with the challenges!
#ds106 #tdc189 the Daily Create 7-day challenge, day 5 done. I swear these challenges are getting harder! @cogdog
— Malyn Mawby (@malynmawby) July 16, 2012
And when asked, Michelle gives an impressive answer why she is doing the challenge
@cogdog @malynmawby bc I love creating, and I don’t make enough time to do something simply for the joy of creating.
— Michelle Baldwin (@michellek107) July 15, 2012
Again, the key is going to come when its time to weave your 7 Daily Creates into one story! Don’t give up yet!