Archive for the ‘ds106tdc’ Category


The Daily Create (TDC) Archive: TDC 73, 75, 96, 98, 100, 101 and 102

Friday, April 27th, 2012

This is my weekly archive of the work I’ve produced for The Daily Create (TDC).

The Daily Create (TDC) 73 – Make a photo that emphasises yellow

I went with the obvious banana.

A photo that emphasises the colour yellow - Nana'

The Daily Create (TDC) 75 –Read a favourite quote, emulating the author’s voice. Tell us why the quote is meaningful

This quote epitomises the energy and vitality of youth.

The Daily Create (TDC) 96 – Make a 5 x 5 video

It was a strange day. One minute I was in domestic mode and the next minute I was out at a lake.

The Daily Create (TDC) 97 – A photo of a bumper sticker

Yeah, I’ve shopped at this online store before.

A photo of a bumper sticker - A serious lack of bumper stickers in my neighbourhood

The Daily Create (TDC) 98 – Record one side of a conversation

A conversation I had with myself as I was leaving my office.

The Daily Create (TDC) 100 – It’s the 100th Daily Create

It’s not my parking spot!

It's the 100th Daily Create - Create a photo representing this number

The Daily Create (TDC) 101 – Take a photo in which the mirror is a major element

Car park corner mirror.

A photo where a mirror is a major element - Car park corner mirror

The Daily Create (TDC) Archive: TDC 29, 30, 47, 54, 55, 60 and 61

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

This is my weekly archive of the work I’ve produced for The Daily Create (TDC).

The Daily Create (TDC) 29 – Something upside down that is never seen that way – Coffee cup

I have a clean desk.

Something upside down that is never seen that way - Coffee cup

The Daily Create (TDC) 30 – The place where you lose things in your house – Under the shelves

I always lose things under there!

An image of the place where you lose things in your house - Under the shelves

The Daily Create (TDC) 47 – A photo that features your favourite colour – Red

I like red.

Take a photo that features your favourite colour - Red

The Daily Create (TDC) 54 – Record the sound of an ordinary thing and make it hard to guess (TDC54)

Can you guess the sound?

The Daily Create (TDC) 55 – A picture of an instrument that measures something – Retractable tape measure

We use the metric system.

Take a picture of an instrument that measures something - Retractable tape measure

The Daily Create (TDC) 60 – Draw or digitally design a circle. Fill in the circle with the colour or colours that reflect the way your body feels today – Black

It’s a black hole.

Draw or digitally design a circle. Fill in the circle with the colour or colours that reflect the way your body feels today - Black

The Daily Create (TDC) 61 – Make a video of you writing a line from a movie – Fight Club

I took the ‘I want you to hit me as hard you can’ line from Fight Club.