Archive for the ‘magicmacguffin’ Category


Remember to Create Daily

Friday, May 25th, 2012

Last session, I started well but fell away from The Daily Create I want to have a better track record this time. So far, 5 days in I’ve managed to keep up, albeit by using one video to do two days.

I follow @DS106TDC but the tweets are lost in the stream.

I though I might try to make a wee reminded web app from my iPhone. This is pretty simple, I just made a webpage, that grabs the latest item from the daily create RSS feed (I think I am using the atom one). I just show the title as a link to the page. The page has the various meta tags to play nicely with the iphone and looks like this:

The above pulls the page into an iFrame with an iPhone background graphic, so should show todays page.

I then added a splash screen and an icon, so that I could save the webpage to my home screen:

Should do the trick, if any other ds106 folk would find this useful just visit: on your iphone and add to the home screen.

If anyone want to make me a better icon, please do.


TDC137 & Digital Dreams

Friday, May 25th, 2012

Jim mentioned in Flickr comments for today’s daily create that my offering appeared to be more Second Life stuff imagery. The image of the face that I traced is actually from some old comic strip.

Jim’s comment was just the spark needed to put this video together.

I’m curious what people will make of this weirdness.

Crafts with Hatchet Jack

Friday, May 25th, 2012

Here I have created a nice video about the fun craft of making painted sticks. I love crafts. But, the truth is I had not planned out the episode too well and forgot about the properties of tape and stuff.

Nonetheless, I am excited to share the first installment of “Crafts with Hatchet Jack.”

Trace that Face

Friday, May 25th, 2012

Today’s Daily Create is to FACE TRACE! I use this ALL THE TIME! So much that it’s worthy of a blog post.

Daily Create Instructions: Use a photo of a face. Use a draw tool or your finger to draw all lines of the face on top of it. Delete the photo leaving the tracing.

I started by importing a picture of my very lovely daughter onto my iPad using Autodesk Sketchbook Pro.

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by giulia.forsythe

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by giulia.forsythe
I changed the opacity of the photograph on the layer before and added a new layer. All my drawing is done on the top layer. I cannot emphasize enough how much I LOVE and LIVE for layers. This is the main reason I don’t like 53 Paper NO layers! (that I can find, unless that’s some kind of extra in-app purchase?

I’m using Autodesk Sketchbook Pro but Taptrix Brushes works well too. In fact, sometimes Brushes is better because it records your brush strokes, as you will see from Tim’s excellent face trace.

In fact, Tim’s video reminded me that last week someone asked if I ever record video of me drawing. Dean Shareski made a short video at unpluggd but other than that, no, I never even thought that would be interesting.

I always aim to please, so here you go:

I sped the video up 400% using iMovie so you wouldn’t have to sit through all 7 minutes.

Why Make?

Friday, May 25th, 2012

My work with Makerbots (which I’ve done the majority of blogging over at 3D Printing @ UMW) this semester has been a catalyst for an approach to the liberal arts that in some ways I think is still being defined. The ideals of a Maker Culture have begun to infiltrate what we do at UMW and I’ve begun working with the director of our library, Rosemary Arneson, to build out a space that will house Makerbots, Robotics equipment, and even sewing machines! But what place do these things have in a traditional liberal arts education? What value and use do they have for education as a whole? I get asked that a lot and it’s a stump speech I’m still processing, but it’s something I believe in so it’s worth refining.

Today I saw Adam Savage’s talk from earlier this week at Maker Faire. The Bay Area Maker Faire hosted over 50,000 people who came to show off and experience the best of a subculture of people with the idea instilled in them that “I can make that, and probably make it better.” 50,000 people. Adam Savage, best known for his work on Myth Busters, spoke to the group and so much resonates with the values I’m attempting to bring to our small school here at UMW that the whole video is worth a watch. But there was a certain section (quoted below) that resonated with me in a way that fully gets at where I find myself with all this.

Obama has made it a key part of his administration’s goal to push forward the STEM initiative, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Jamie and I have been honored and lucky enough that he has tapped us to help him spread this message and we are helping him in every way that we can. But there’s a movement afoot. First of all STEM, it’s just a terrible name. It doesn’t give anything, it’s not sexy! There’s a movement afoot to add one letter to STEM and make it STEAM. That letter is A and it stands for Art. Science, Technology, Engineering, ART, and Mathematics. Art is where it begins! It’s the original mover.

There are few school systems today that don’t have their eyes on STEM initiatives and it’s a topic that comes up often with the Makerbots given it’s pretext of being fairly engineering focused. But for me it’s this idea that Art can play a role in this that is so beautiful. As a former art student in my college years it’s this intersection between Art and Technology that came to full focus for me during Faculty Academy this year. By giving students the tools to make things and the freedom to build, instilling in them the idea that nothing is beyond their reach and this iterative process of try, fail, try again, get better, share, we create lifelong learners whose actions have the ability to push back against a culture of consumerism and proudly declare “I can make that.”

Test Post #ds106

Friday, May 25th, 2012

I didn’t see my last post in the Magic Macguffin stream. So I thought my tagging was messed up. (Anyone know if the tagging is case-sensitive?)

This is a test post to see if I can get it right.

As long as I’m testing, I’m also trying my Flickr plugin. If its working, my latest six Daily Creates on Flickr should be next…

moon on skymap 2012-05-26 15:37:12

Today’s Daily Create 26 May 2012

Take a photo of (or something that represents) the moon.

Upload your photo to flickr and tag it tdc139

tdc137 CampFaces 20120512 2012-05-24 17:28:40

Here’s some happy camper faces if you need any for TDC.
Today’s Daily Create 24 May 2012

Create a drawing of a face trace.

Use a photo of a face. Use a draw tool or your finger to draw all lines of the face on top of it. Delete the photo leaving the tracing. Upload your drawing as a photo to flickr and tag it tdc137

family fridge 2012-05-15 18:21:23

Today’s Daily Create 15 May 2012

Join the world in capturing daily life in a photograph (

Join the global project to capture daily life by capturing a photo that records themes of home, work, or connections (see what to shoot). Upload your photo to flickr and tag it tdc128

Don’tFeedTheBears 2012-05-21 18:03:42

Today’s Daily Create 21 May 2012

Use photo editing software to redesign an image of an animal.

Upload your photo to flickr and tag it tdc134

This old camera 2012-05-18 17:03:04

Today’s Daily Create 18 May 201

Make a photograph of something old or aged today.

Another classic from the Daily Shoot Archives… Upload your photo to flickr and tag it tdc131

tdc130 2012-05-17 18:24:21

Today’s Daily Create 17 May 2012

Create your own Rage Comic

Not sure what a Rage Comic is? Check it out, it’s a meme… Upload your drawing as a photo to flickr and tag it tdc130

How ’bout the Catskills instead?

Friday, May 25th, 2012


OK, so it isn’t really a camp, but I want one of those summer vacations where you can dance.


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Adventures in TDC136 (AKA what i’ll do to keep my face off camera)

Friday, May 25th, 2012

The video below, despite it’s unimpressiveness, was a feat of strength due to the multitude of obstacles overcome in its making.  You might even say the creation of this “legend” was/is/will always be legendary.

Okay, so maybe I’m exaggerating.

The truth:

1. I tried MPEG Stream (after reading about it on CogDog’s blog) to no avail…used the beta version to download from YouTube.

2. I tried YouCam to screen record YouTube and bring into MPEG Stream…to no avail.

3. I tried remotely accessing Camtasia on my work desktop…to some avail.  I could record remotely but for some reason it didn’t detect an audio device.

4. This left me having to make my own soundtrack, which entailed a jungle wav, a tarzan wav, and a lion wav.

In addition to all this finagling, I used photoshop to make the opening image.

I uploaded the video at a 11pm and went to bed feeling triumphant if tired.


Shauser Gravatar Face Trace: An Image Daily Create

Friday, May 25th, 2012

Today’s Daily Create 137

Shauser Gravatar Face Trace

Hanging Out Macguffin Style

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

I met the some counselors and campers around the campfire today. Some of them were a little shifty, and I was wondering if they were trying to trick me into giving them the combination to my footlocker, which I will never divulge. All in all, a nice bunch, albeit, a little quirky.

A few folks have submitted vocal tracks for the Under Pressure Glam Rock project, and I’m PSYCHED! @timmmmyboy (whoever he is) has such a set of pipes on him! That guy can wail! Also got some tracks from @rowan_peter and @cherylcolan that are TO DIE FOR!!

I’m planning on laying down some instrumental tracks this weekend. Thinking of uploading the arrangements to SoundCloud AND the midi data to DropBox if others want to impose alternate instrumentation on the tracks. But, I’m using Garage Band, and it doesn’t support midi. UGH! Can I export to Audacity, and export to midi from there? Any audio geeks out there, Andy Rush? I don’t want to buy Logic.

Thanks all! Going to fetch some chow and dust my footlocker for prints.