Who got trapped on the Internet today? This girl!
Things I’ve been reading/watching/wasting time with:
- “We Didn’t Start the Flame War” – A CollegeHumor production set to the tune “We Didn’t Start the Fire.” It’s the song YOU helped write!
- Everything on Rooster Teeth
- “In Defense of Fan Fiction” by James Bow. Totally agree, man. Totally agree.
- “Legal Fictions: Copyright, Fan Fiction, and a New Common Law” by Rebecca Tushnet. Haven’t actually read this yet, but it looks great.
- And finally, TV Tropes. Don’t click that link unless you want to ask yourself where five hours went. It’s like Wikipedia, minus any lame. Just pure culture. Dangerous indeed.
Also been spending time on DS106′s Minecraft server. It’s lonely in there, so head over and we’ll build epic shit together.