Archive for the ‘machinima’ Category


Announcing The Daily Rounds

Monday, June 4th, 2012

I need to send a big thank you to Alan for suggesting a better way to use iShowU for capturing video from the desktop. Though I’ve got a long way to go until I’m able get to where I’d like to be with this screencasting thing, I’m pleased as punch with the progress I’ve made in a fairly short time. Again, big thanks Alan!

The video above was captured using “folow cursor” technique described by Alan with capture dimensions of 852×480. It was perfectly fine for capturing a portion of the Second Life window. It might be more tricky when doing a tutorial in which multipel applications and windows are in play. I’ll soon have a chance to try that out when I complete the series of Animated GIF to SL texture.

This video is not a tutorial of anysort. It is supposed to be a trailer for an new project slated to begin tomorrow. Scottlo’s Daily Rounds will consist of a daily Google + Hangout which is originated from some location in Second Life. During which I will be checking to see if SL is dead yet or not. These hangouts will occur at random times and will be announced briefly before they commence.

All are welcome to join in either through Google + or in Second Life.

Buddy Holly Lives!

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

For some reason, animated GIFs have become an important part of the ds106 experience. Everybody, it seems, loves looking at them. And the process of making them is not as daunting as most may think. Prior to ds106, I never thought I could do one.

I remember with glee the moment my first effort at making one finally “played” the way I’d hoped it would. It took a long time and many mistakes were made along the way. But it was a learning experience. These little moments of personal accomplishment are valuable and important. One of the things that I most adore about ds106 is that it affords these sorts of opportunities for those willing to dive in.

So I was wondering what sort of role animated GIFs would play during this Camp Magic MacGuffin version of ds106. I was blown away when Ol’ Hatchet Jack made one from my first campsite photo from Second Life. I typo on my part in the comment on his blog referred to his effort as “an animate GIFt.” But in a sense, that what his remix of the photo was: a GIFt.

This morning I asked myself if it was possible to work with animated GIFs in the virtual space. As I didn’t know the answer, Google was used. It turns out it’s easy peasy. Perigrine Salon has a web application that will upload and convert your GIF file into the appropriate file format and provide a script of making the animation run once it’s attached to an object in Second Life. Well maybe it’s not easy peasy until you get the hang of it. But it works like a champ.

The video above was another chance for me to practice doing machinima and to demonstrate how the Buddy Holly GIF I created a few months ago look in Second Life. If you want to see it in person, all you have to do is teleport in to Corona Cay.

Magic MacGuffin Camp Site Machinima

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

This was mostly an experiment to figure out how to do a machinima video. As the recent spate of blog post would indicate, it looks like my participation in Camp Magic MacGuffin will have to be from the virtual world unless or until I’m able to get the motor home unstuck from the sand. I’ll do my best to participate as fully as I can.

Making this movie was fairly simple, though it was time consuming. The video was captured with iShowU and edited with iMovie. The camera movements were done with a Space Navigator.

The musical selection should have been attributed on the video as well but I wasn’t able to get the titles to work in iMovie. The song Relaxing Birds is by tigabeatz and can be found on the ccMixter website.