Archive for the ‘magicmacguffin’ Category


Reading [TAKEN]

Friday, July 6th, 2012

My favorite movie of all time would have to be “TAKEN” that came out in 2008. It is a movie about a retired CIA agent, who’s daughter gets kidnapped when she goes on a trip to Europe.  He has to go to Europe and use his skills to hopefully find is daughter alive. The reason why I love this movie is about it is action packed, it taught me little techniques to find hidden clues, and it showed just how much a parent would do to save their child. The first time I watched this movie, I fell in love. I have probably watched this movie 100 times LITERALLY.

In Ebert’s journal, “Reading A Movie” , he made a lot of points about movies that I have never payed attention to. The reading was very interesting and it made me want to watch more moves and pay more attention to them. Mainly for the “A shot a time” ; which is just pausing the film at random times and telling what you see. I picked up other key points from the reading that I want to elaborate one.

The first point I want to make is how Ebert talks about how the tilting of a shot can make a difference. Tilt shots symbolize that the world is out of balance. In this scene from taken, Liam Neeson plays the CIA agent/father, and he is talking to the kidnappers. You can tell by the look on his face that he feels helpless that someone has taken his daughter and he cannot find her. I am not a parent but I am sure that having someone take your child and you don’t know where they are leaves you helpless.

“Left tilts to me suggest helplessness, sadness, resignation. ” – Roger Ebert.

The next point Ebert made in his journal was how the standing positions can make a difference in the scene. When a actor/actress just stands in the middle of the screen it seems weird because it doesn’t really create a mood. If the actor/actress is standing to the right or the left they can make the scene negative or positive . A person that is standing to the right seems positive, a person standing to the left seems negative. I personally, never paid attention to that, until I thought back to “TAKEN” and found it present. In this scene, he is interrogation someone that might know where his daughter is. The “might be kidnapper” is negative, and the father is positive in this scene.

“the person on the right will “seem” dominant over the person on the left.” -Roger Ebert

I originally looked up the genre of this movie and then used the TV Tropes Site to see if they were the same. Sadly, they weren’t. Online the genre for “TAKEN” was an Action, Crime, Thriller. But in my opinion, and my research from the Tv Tropes Site and I think it is an Evidence Scavenger Hunt.  The definition of a Evidence Scavenger Hunt is “the section of a crime and punishment show where the cast chases down clues.” Throughout the whole movie the father, keeps finding clues that lead him to new people and places. Each time he gets to the next place, he finds more evidence that leads him someone else. Until he finally reaches his daughters location. I am not at all saying that the genre I found online was wrong, I just think the Evidence Scavenger Hunt suits the film more.

Learn 13 Kinds of Practical Jokes at Camp Crystal Lake

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

Here is a new ds106 video assignment based on the notion of going to Camp Magic Macguffin for summer camp, Send a Camp Movie to Camp:

Take one of the movies on the list of movies with camp themes, find a trailer for it, and re-edit the audio to completely change the plot- e.g. make a horror movie turn into a comedy, or make a romantic movie seem like a spooky movie.

Send a camp movie to personality inversion camp!

I went easy, and selected the trailer for the original Friday the 13th, made in 1980, the first home of Camp Crystal Lake

I locked into this when it came out, I was still in high school, and could have easily been one of those wide eyed teens- one of which is a really young Kevin Bacon. Yeah, Jason rises out of the lake and takes his gross revenge, and it set in motion an entire industry of followups. I vividly recall nearly jumping out of my seat in the theater during the first one, maybe it was the Blair Witch Project of its time.

What does the fascination with horror movies say about us? It can be said it is a safer approach to playing out things in fictional form that are much worse than the horrors we witness (or ignore) in life? We could, and people do, speculate for eons.

So for my inversion of the movie, I watched the 13 countdowns of the original trailer, and wondered what if Camp Crystal Lake was the place to go to learn how to play practical jokes? A ha ha ha funny place.

This was pretty much a one take improv- I downloaded the youtube version of the trailer as an MP4, and opened it in iMovie. I used the Edit -> Mute Clip command to neutralize the audio of the original (you can also do a detach audio and then delete that track, but sometimes its better to just mute the original if you are going to re-do the whole thing. I then used the record over features to overlay my own dialogue, which you can tell is a one take. I had the most fun wit nod to the Oracle of Kevin Bacon phenomena.

To add some flair, I imported a few audio clips from Freesounds, a goofy orchestra track and a track of cellos to make it sound concertic. “tune-up.wav” by bugfish “cellos three thords” by jus

Ah camp.

rain rain go away…

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

For this mission I had to imitate weather, but only with things that were within hands reach of my computer. At first I thought to create a windy noise using my mouth and moving closer and further away from the laptop mic. It worked well, but I felt it was too dull, so I though I would try to imitate rain. I tried tapping close to the microphone, or on the screen.. but I didn’t really like those sounds. I had a small, ribbed bowl next to me that I was eating chex mix that I decided to test out. I held it up to the mic and tapped and ran across the ribs with my mechanical pencil and got a great sound.

I then went to my soundcloud and instead of uploading a file from a audio program, I just recorded it raw. Soundcloud recorded the sound, and I uploaded it. No editing or anything, and only a few trial runs.


DS106 Radio Bumper

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

I really struggled a lot with trying to set my mind on a single idea for a radio bumper. I had tons of different ideas and takes I wanted to approach this assignment with. I came across a relatively new track by Kanye West and Pusha T called “New God Flow”.

I really loved how the piano at the beginning drove in the song, and the beat was built around it. I decided to keep it simple and and use that, and my voice as well. I tinkered a bit w/ the pitch of things, making it a bit lower. And also slowed down the tempo of my voice.

I don’t think this was my most extravagant audio assignment, but I think it is simple and iconic in a sense. If I heard this as a radio bumper, after a few times it would stick like the radio’s logo in my mind…

Using “The Voice”

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

For this ‘using the voice’ audio assignment I had to make recording in the style of the famous Don LaFontaine’s voice. After watching the awesome youtube video on him (in the  assignment link), I was inspired to do something epic, but personal.

At first I had a prerecording describing me preparing to make a lunch, but due to a huge storm we had lost power (for 5 days!) So I decided to change it to a description of my struggles and epic travels to find electricity and wifi in order to stay on top of my ds106 work, and charge my cell phone. I didn’t edit my voice at all, just tried my best to imitate ‘the voice’… i think it worked decently. I still don’t think I like listening to my own voice though lol…

Librarian archetypes in 5 movies and 18 seconds

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

I’m a librarian.  You probably guessed that.  We librarians are a dedicated bunch and tend to be defensive about what we do.  You would be too if you were constantly asked, “Why do I need a librarian when there’s Google.”  Yeah.  Screw you, buddy.

So here’s my take on the One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds video assignment.

The librarians are from Ghostbusters, Party Girl (Parker Posey), The Matrix (Marcus Chong), Desk Set (Katharine Hepburn and Joan Blondell), and The Station Agent (Michelle Williams).  The music is “Marian the Librarian” from The Music Man.

I’ve heard it argued that though Tank is not actually called a librarian in The Matrix, but he does a lot of librarian-ish work.  So there you go.  I also think the scene is representative of the high-tech world in which librarians work (and dominate thank you very much).

Can you hear me now?: Audio and DS106

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

Most of my time was spent working on the radio show.

This is what I ended up with. I recorded the two interviews with my iPod Touch using the FiRe app. I thought the audio turned out really well, though the interview with Brooke is at a lower volume. I’m not sure if that had to do with the fact that we were in a restaurant or because I imported the audio file into Audacity as a .WAV and then exported the file from Audacity to Aviary’s Myna as a .MP3. I need to learn more about the file types. Will moving an audio file from one place to the other (and one file type to another) degrade quality? Questions to research.  I was going to use Audacity for this project, but I chickened out because of time constraints.  I opted to use Myna since I was more familiar with it.

The interview with Brooke was a good 40+ minutes long, and half the time I had no idea what he was talking about. That made editing difficult and time-consuming. The interview with Kate was about 3 minutes long, and she was pretty straight-forward with her post-apocalyptic vision.  Better planning could’ve made this project a littler easier, but I guess that can be said for a lot of things.


Monster Mashup Tribute

Wednesday, July 4th, 2012

A bit of silent film, a few monsters, and a song from Alice Cooper. I loved making this, just me and Quicktime.
Watch on Posterous



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My Contribution to ds106 Radio

Wednesday, July 4th, 2012

One of the recent assignments in ds106 was to work with a group to create an hour long show for ds106 radio. This was due shortly after we returned from ISTE12 so I was a bit concerned about getting it done. However, two and a half hours one evening and I had created my five minute segment (is that ratio normal?!?). My group chose to create a show called A Tourist’s World. When thinking about being a tourist my mind immediately went to Istanbul, Turkey. (Our show aired tonight. I’ll share a link when it’s available on archives somewhere. There were some fabulous stories there.) was a huge help on this assignment. I began my piece with some soft waves of the Bosphorus River. As my visit to Istanbul was on the cruise ship when I worked on it, I wanted a ship’s horn. Thinking of Istanbul made me think about the song, Istanbul, Not Constantinople which seemed like a fun bit to include here. When I think back to my (brief) time in Istanbul I think of the busy streets, crowded marketplaces, the call to prayer, and the prayers in the mosques. I decided to close with a bit about Turkish baths and the soothing sounds of the Bosphorus again.

I learned about layering the audio tracks, keeping one quiet at times. I didn’t get it totally right, but I am learning. It was fun to plan the segment and to search for just the sounds I wanted.

We also had to create a radio bumper to promote our show.

For this I wanted to create something that immediately suggested travel. I began with the sound of an airplane taking off. Then I snagged the dong sound that happens when an announcement is made on an airplane. I followed that with a bit of the announcements about moving about the cabin and finished up with a bit of the announcement about remaining seated upon landing.

Again, fun to plan and fun to search out the sounds.

My New Favorite Soda

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

Zazz sodaI was always a Fresca fan (washes down the Sloppy Joes like no other beverage). But, now, I’ve got a new favorite.  Thinking of suing for copyright infringement, unless they put my face on the can!