Archive for the ‘OriginalVideo’ Category


Everything is a Remix

Thursday, July 26th, 2012

Everyone tries to stand out but they rather end up conforming to what everyone else is doing.

The video “Everything is a Remix” shows the level of ‘originality’ or lack thereof. In the past years – music, videos, and even movies have become a repetition of others or an extension of a preexisting movie. He further explains how even the most ‘original’ movies of all time are not as original as we think. I agree with this theory. Originality is important, but as he stated in the beginning of the video, maybe we prefer the familiar. This could explain why we are consistent with retelling stories over and over and over again. It makes us feel comfortable.

For explain, disney movies have been told, retold and continue to be made into stories and movies with different twist. There are probably over 200 movies that are an extension of disney stories. So how original is that?

This may not be a bad thing. No. Taking a story and adding your own flavor can transform it into a new and improved version of the old story. There is a difference between being inspired by something and copying something, exactly word for word. I see no harm of constantly improving something that already exists. It’s all a part of life. I look at it like this, two different people can view the same exact thing, differently.

so yeah, mix mix mix – mix it on.

Is Everything Good a Remix?

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

So you want to be creative?

1. Copy
2. Tinker
3. Combine

In part 3 of Everything Is a Remix: Elements of Creativity, Kirby Ferguson states that

“creativity isn’t magic. It evolves by applying ordinary tools of thought to existing material.”

He expands this idea by explaining that no one starts out original and that copying masters in order to learn isn’t a new or bad thing. Emulation allows you to get to know and understand the art form. After that you can tinker with it and create variations to come up with something completely new. You can them combine the variations with something else to create something unique and original.

In part 2 of Everything Is a Remix: Remix Inc. Kirby Ferguson proclaims that most box-office hits rely heavily on existing material.

By way of example, any spaghetti western takes the standard elements of a western and appropriates them, transforms them or subverts them.

According to SG Newwave, the West­ern began in the 1800′s as tales from the frontier (e.g. The Last of the Mohicans) which were later turned into movies. The plot of American Westerns usually consisted of a town in the American west being ter­ror­ized by a group of ban­dits until a nomadic gun­slinger came to their res­cue. It ended predictably with a show­down between the pro­tag­o­nist and the antag­o­nist and good triumphing over evil. In most Westerns, Native Americans were generally depicted as savages. The first and old­est American Western film was the 10-minute silent film, The Great Train Robbery from 1903 (turn down the sound).

Spaghetti Westerns got their name because they were westerns made in Italy and some of the first were directed by Sergio Leone. According to swdb,  spaghetti westerns usually have an American-Mexican border setting and boorishly feature loud and sadistic Mexican bandits coming up against heroes with unusual names (e.g. Sartana, Sabata, or Django). Unlike traditional American Westerns, the story lines usually feature Gringos and Mexicans, but rarely Native Americans.

Posters to Wikipedia shared that

the Spaghetti Western stars a ragged, laconic hero with superhuman weapon skill who joins an outlaw gang to further his own, secret agenda. There is usually a flamboyant Mexican bandit and a grumpy old man who serves as sidekick for the hero. For love interest, rancher’s daughters, school marms and bar room maidens were overshadowed by young Latin women (sometimes mothers) desired by dangerous men. The terror of the villains against their defenseless victims became ruthless and their brutalization of the hero when his treachery is disclosed became just as merciless, or more – just like the cunning used to secure the latter’s retribution.

Since these films were not originally made in the USA, the morality of the American west was less clear-cut than in American Westerns. According to Fistful of Westerns, many of the heroes of the Spaghetti Western are in fact ‘anti-heroes’ and it is not uncommon for the all the principle characters to be killed off by the end of the movie. As such, Spaghetti Westerns tend to be more violent than traditional American Westerns and several of the original met with censorship problems upon their release in the 1960s causing them to be cut or even banned in certain markets. Given their origin in a strongly Catholic society, it is perhaps not surprising these Spaghetti Westerns were also often rich in religious allegory.

In terms of cinematography, Marylin Wong explains on SG Newwave that Leone’s so-called Spaghetti Westerns were characterized by long takes, extreme wide shots, extreme close-ups and com­po­si­tion in depth. The long takes with moments of silence and still­ness brought about both a slow rhythm and empha­sized the inten­sity of particular scenes. This “calm before the storm” long shot and silence worked effec­tively in stand­offs as it allowed the audi­ence to either admire the beautifully shot scenery, pay close atten­tion to the character’s body lan­guage or, rel­ish in the music play­ing in the back­ground. In addition, as in American Westerns, there was a recur­rent use of close-ups. Extreme close-ups were able to cap­ture the slight­est move­ment of the face and eyes and, thus, get into the mind of the char­ac­ters. Leone would cut from an extreme wide shot of the desert and jump right into an extreme close-up of the character’s eyes. In addition, he would make use of “com­po­si­tion in depth” by filming trains along the same axis as the train runs or showdowns by looking over the shoulder of one of the participants rather than shooting from the side. This provided a more 3-dimensional look to 2-dimensional film and allowed the audience to feel more as though they were part of the action.

Extreme wide shot

Extreme Close up

Composition in depth

Despite this, according to Swdb, Spaghetti Westerns tend to be more action oriented than their American counterparts. Dialogue is sparse and some critics have believe that they were originally constructed more as operas, using the music as an illustrative ingredient of the narrative. Ennio Morricone worked closely with Leone to compose music that was as unusual as the visuals. Not only did he use instruments like the trumpet, the harp or the electric guitar, he also added whistle, cracking whips and gunshots. Marilyn Wong adds that since Morricone per­son­alized each character’s theme music, occa­sion­ally alter­ing it to reflect the change in char­ac­ter or emo­tions, Leone ensured that the dia­logue and music wouldn’t overlap each other. This allowed the audi­ence to fully appre­ci­ate Morricone’s music and further build tension. Some say he was a key factor in the genre’s success.

As Marilyn Wong also points out, Leone took the traditional American Western plots and infused his own style into it, cre­at­ing a seem­ingly new and unique prod­uct. This cycle of reinvention continues.

In an interview with Quentin Tarantino that I watched on YouTube a few weeks ago (but can’t currently find) he said the best preparation for making movies is to watch a lot of movies. I suspect that he has spent many hours copying the work of masters (or at least looking at their work and dissecting it), transforming it and combining it. In my opinion, he is shockingly adept at fusing modern storylines with traditional genres and this it makes for some very good movies. In his films, he tends to stick to a specific genre or sub-genre but with very unlikely settings or very unlikely characters. I am looking forward to his upcoming spaghetti western about American slavery.

All this seems to uphold Kirby Ferguson’s hypothesis that everything is a remix but it also made me wonder if the converse is true…

Do non-hits also rely on existing structures or formulae or are they not commercial successes, at least in part, because they are not based on story-telling narratives that have stood the test of time?

Yesterday I had a chance to attend Elliot Grove’s Saturday Film School through Raindance Canada and he was certainly of the belief that without a good story, you have nothing. He illustrated that point by showing 15 second videos created with cell phones that were still effective because they told a good story. I need to remember that the next time I post a video!

I wonder, are there still stories left to be told? How did the structures we keep going back to come about? Can new structures be developed that others will emulate?

In the meantime, keep copying, tinkering and remixing. It leads to come great stuff!


Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

Watching one of the “Everything is a Remix” videos really got me to think on the level of ‘originality’ we really do have. His video to start with was set up as a typical video comparing things or kind of peeling things apart… not too original lol.

As he went through some of what are considered the most influential and groundbreaking movies of our time (Star Wars, Avatar, Kill Bill, etc). I agree with what he is saying, but I think that originality is relevant. So I don’t really think “everything is a remix.” We have cultural constants, that appeal to us and carry through generations with some variations. Hence when looking at ‘the big picture’ it seems as everything is just swagger-jacking or a modernized version of past stories/movies.

For example (yes I know what many of my blog readers are thinking by now… ) I will use the movie “The Lion King”. It is majorly based on the play ‘Hamlet’, so how original is it then? I say very original, the way the story was presented is original. Same thing with the current wave of superhero movies, they are being presented and expressed in a way much different (dare I say, more powerfully) than they ever were before on film, TV, or comics.

The implication that everything that we view as entertainment though is a remix of something of the past, does not disturb me. I think it merely shows a continuity in human themes. If we look at different cultures, generations, centuries, decades… we can see that the human priorities and worries are constant, they only are tweeked or ‘remixed’ through time and cultures. All societies have stories- with good, evil, finding oneself, coming of age, etc. The themes built upon for our entertainment such as a midlife crisis, relationships, reality shows, violence, magic are all derived from things that are important to all humans such as family, identity, cultural norms and deviances.

So … remix on!!!

Everything is a Remix

Monday, July 16th, 2012

There is always that moment when you hear a new song, watch a new show, or see a new movie and go “wait, I swear I have seen/heard this before.” That’s probably because you have seen/heard something very similar. After watching “Everything is a Remix”, Kirby Ferguson makes valid points about entertainment and media all just being reused then reused again. A lot of “action” or “journey” films follow the same basic plot line. For example in comparing Harry Potter to Lord of the Rings. Frodo and Harry Potter are both simple characters but are destined for greatness. They go an epic journey to achieve a certain goal which is saving the world from evil. They go through moments of weakness but have their friend(s) pick them back up again. In the end, they achieve their goal and save the world from destructions. It’s hard to find a unique and original movie. I would first off say documentaries are original, but thats obvious. Toy Story, is another example in my opinion of an original movie. Toys come to life and have their own world based in a child’s room. They go on adventures and want to always be loved by their owner (andy).

It’s hard to come up with a completely original idea when so many movies have already been produced. I think now it is more about how well can a director spin off from a movie idea that has already happened and how well can they sell it.

Sharing is Caring

Monday, July 16th, 2012

One of our assignment was to watch a four part series on the notion that everything is a remix. Which after watching I agree, especially with the idea of the basic elements of creativity: Copy-Transform-Combine. We make adjustments to old ideas or inventions to create new ones. I don’t think I have ever seen a movie that would be considered “uniquely original.” I mean everything is a spin-off of a genre, book, documentary, or something else. But this is how we get great movies! I have probably seen like six different versions of Cinderella, but each has something different to offer, and each one I have enjoyed.

In terms of how our entertainment is just a remix of something old, I say oh well. That is how things are transformed! Most people like a certain genre of lets say music. Well if my favorite genre of music is country for example, there is certain elements presented in all of country music that are similar, each could be a combination of other country songs, and that would be why I like country music.

After watching these videos I felt a little embarrassed about how I am one of those people who can justify using others’ work to create something of my own, but I get very upset when others use my work. How hypocritical! And after he gave all the examples of how different inventions and pieces of work were transformed off one another to give us the music and technology and movies we like today, there should be limited restriction on the sharing ideas. I guess this goes back to the Creative Commons movement. If everyone shares their ideas and are not so selfish with them, wonderful things can be created.


Everything’s a Remix?

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

This is week 2 of video analysis in ds106. Taking a look at the video series Everything is a Remix by Kirby Ferguson, we see that the same or similar ideas are repeated over and over, through decades and eras in movies. This concept is reinforced by last weeks study of reading movies and specifically genres or TV Tropes.

I never really thought about it before but many (if not all) movie story lines are regenerate, reinvented, reinvigorated, and reused many times over sometimes from lesser known movies like those listed here on This makes me wonder when the last time there was a completely “original” concept introduced into our movie collections.  And quite frankly, I do not know the answer. I’m not a big movie buff, and admittedly, I’ve seen the beginning or parts of many movies, but have fallen asleep or lost interest before viewing the entire film. However, I was excited to find myself identifying a “remix” scene Friday night while watching an old movie (old to me anyway!)

Friday was Friday the 13th. I thought it would be fun to watch the original, classic Friday the 13th movie that night. As the movie played there was one scene that caught my attention as familiar.

I recognized this scene from Dirty Dancing. Well, actually Friday the 13th came out first in 1980. Dirty Dancing debuted in 1987. But I saw Dirty Dancing before seeing Friday the 13th, so that’s my point of reference.

So in answer to the question posed to us this week:

Is everything a remix? I would have to say…Yes! I give the TV Tropes as evidence that all cinema falls into one or more of these categories, therefore connecting it to the others in each group or making a remix of ones that came before it.

Remixing Everything

Friday, July 13th, 2012

When I first saw this assignment I thought it was solely about how Hollywood re makes movies constantly oh was I surprised. The part that really stuck out to me was when they referenced Star Wars because to me Star Wars was as original as it gets. The author of this obviously does a great amount of research or really likes watching tons of old movies all day long. Being born in the 90s I had never heard of most of the movies that were referenced as predecessors to Star Wars. The first thing I thought of when I saw this was I hope he covers movies that should not have been re made, In my opinion I thought it was crazy to re make the karate kid because I grew up watching the original like it was my job I loved that movie, and although I like Jackie Chan I still did not want it remade. I found this movie extremely interesting because I was completely oblivious to how much re occurring themes there were and how directors will just take a scene from an old movie and just bring it up to date in thier movie.


One thing I am skeptical about is how purposeful the directors are in reusing old content. In some cases it is clear that it was done but in the vague references I find it hard to believe that the directors took all that time to put a plot together using old movies I feel like that would be a painstaking and long process but I have no experience in professional movie making. It is my opinion that for a lot of the re use the directors and writers came up with it and it either just is a common theme and it just happened to be similar or that they had forgot about seeing the older movie earlier and thought it was their own idea. I think that there is a mix of both scenarios going on and I would like to see an interview with George Lucas about where he got the ideas for the Star Wars scenes so if you know of one let me know. Overall it was an awesome clip and thanks for making us watch it because I would have not found it on my own.

World of Remixes.

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

Kirby Ferguson’s videos about remixed material was amazing. He took some songs and movies that I thought were original and showed where the artist or directions got their inspiration from. Many times younger directors and artist want to create an “original film/song” but they get their inspiration from older films that were thought to be GREAT. If a younger director or artist wants a great movie, they have to look a great movies from before and basically “copy” the framework. It was astonishing to see in Ferguson’s video to see who younger artist and directors looked up too. Some of these people aren’t even in the same genre of work, but they find ways to take on genre and make it work for another.


Now music, is something that I love and there are some songs that I know for a fact came from other songs. For example, I made a video of two songs. The original track is Michael Jackson’s “Wanna be Startin’ Something” and then Rihanna puts it in her song called “Please Don’t Stop the Music” Which goes to show that old music will never die.




I honestly, do not think that I have seen an “original movie.” All movies in my opinion are made up from another movie, but uses more modern/recent dilemmas so that modern people can relate. For example, the Rocky movies are all about a underestimated boxer that wants to win. He trains long and hard until he achieves his goal. But there aren’t too many aspiring boxers for filmmakers use other sports to prove that same point. If you are underestimated, train long and hard until you get what you want, like the Gridiron Gang.  I am not as much of a movie person as I am a music person, so I could be completely wrong, but I haven’t seen an original film.

Personally, I think it is enjoyable to see recent films based on past films. Mainly because it shows that we won’t forget great things that came before us. Like Michael Jackson’s music will never die, and a young singer(compared to him) used his music in her song. It always can be seen as a sign of respect or “thank you.” Rihanna could be using that clip in her song to show to Michael Jackson that she appreciated his music and it helped her. As far as movies, I think we enjoy seeing things from the past because it shows us they everyone is almost the same. Everyone from past, present, and future, all want some of the same things. Rocky was underestimated, and wanted to reign, the Gridiron gang (juveniles) wanted people who underestimated them to see that they had some positive aspects.

Basically, history lives on forever. People who came before us have paved the way for entertainment. We pay them respect by using their impressive works and show that everyone is more similar than we think.