Archive for the ‘podcast’ Category


Scorphonic Radio Selector

Monday, May 21st, 2012

Scorphonic: Tale of the Tape

Anybody interested in a podcast? Actually I did a podcast devoted especially to my experiences in Second Life a long time ago. But I don’t want to be posting stuff in too many places. That makes it to easy too lose track of things.

So I think I’ll continue to use the Scottlo Radio Blog for the hodgepodge of offerings that have recently begun sprouting up. Take this podcast recording for instance. Though I’ve been thinking recording something of late, this one began spontaneously and without any forethought.

Well that’s not exactly true. I’d spent an entire hour long train ride typing into my iPod Touch about the main story that comprises this recording: finally making the Scorphonic recorder work as originally intended. The text file I wrote was far too technical and cumbersome to wind up as a blog post without a huge amount of revision. But the fact of having written about it a few hours earlier allowed the story to come out easily and hopefully in a coherent manner when spoken aloud amid the hustle and bustle of another Tokyo commute.

It seems that a useful explanation of the recent direction taken on this blog is also offered during the 20 minute recording. Lot’s of things are happening, indeed.

(download audio)