Archive for the ‘RadioShowBumper’ Category


Zombie Apocalypse Radio Teaser

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

In preparation for our collaborative radio show to be broadcast, I created a bumper to be broadcast on ds106radio as a teaser to get an audience tuned in July 3 @ 9pm EST. 

This bumper was not too complicated to do. I wanted use clipped words and phrases, paired with appropriate music to portray the dire situation at hand. I listed the words and phrases that come to mind when I think of “zombie apocalypse” and feelings it might incur. After choosing my words and phrases to describe a zombie apocalypse and the underlying tone of my own segment, I selected Metallica’s Welcome Home (Sanitarium) as the musical accompaniment. Cropping it to a section of music and lyrics I deemed most fitting, I merged it with my voice track in Audacity and there you have it.

Fear of living on
Natives getting restless now
Mutiny in the air
Got some death to do
Mirror stares back hard
Kill, it’s such a friendly word
Seems the only way
For reaching out again

Hope it entices you to tune in to our (Group 2) show on ds106radio, July 3 @ 9pm EST!

**Special thanks to my group members (Mike Berta, Ben Harwood, Kevin Murphy, Ciara Norquist, and John Johnston) for their creative contributions in making this show awesome, especially Mike Berta, who so generously volunteered to host and had to suffer my tardiness related to our very real, local “Post-Derecho” apocalyptic power outages and struggles. Thanks everyone! :)

Hell, I am not crazy

Monday, July 2nd, 2012


This is the bumper that I created for my segment in my group’s Zombie Apocalypse radio show. My bumper is similar to the beginning of my segment. I wanted it that way but I added, “they are out there, they exist” so that people listening to the bumper might be intrigued as to what “they” are. In terms of how I created it, I used the same media sounds “Hells Bells” by AC/DC and “radio static” from freesound as my actual radio segment. I downloaded the two media sounds onto Audacity and recorded my audio onto Audacity. I was then able to play my audio along with “Hells Bells” and the” radio static” in the background at the same time. I first muted everything but “Hells Bells” and then I un-muted the radio static. I then muted “Hells Bells” and just had the static along with my audio playing. All that created a new sound segment on Audacity which is what I embedded above.


Your Magic Carpet Is Here

Saturday, June 30th, 2012

cc licensed ( BY NC )  flickr photo shared by Heart Industry

It is Week 6 in Camp Magic McGuffin and I am running out of time, since I am travelling on Sunday and will be away during Week 7. Still, I have managed to finish my main assignments. I have created a radio bumper for the show I am collaborating on with other members of Slaughterhouse 4. I have also finished my 5 minutes of the show. I wish I could have worked more on it, but there was no time.

At my bunkhouse we chose travel as our main topic and the title of the show is A Tourist’s World. That’s why I decided to play with the magic carpet metaphor. I recorded my voice in Audacity, then used sound effects to make my speech faster and my voice deeper. My idea was to sound a little like a British butler. Then I uploaded the Audacity files to Myna and continued editing the bumper. I chose the tracks from the Adventure section in Myna and I almost happy with it. At least, I like it much better than my last week’s bumper, but then that means that I am learning. Here it is:

So, fasten your seat-belts and listen to Slaughterhouse 4.

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DS106 Apocalypse Radio

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

You’ll have to check out this week’s audio letter home coming on Sunday to find out why I’ve been away from camp so long. I did manage to make it back for another audio week in which my bunkhouse is engaged in creating a string of stories along a topic – ala This American Life.

Part of the project is to create a 15 to 30 second radio bump to promote our live show airing next week on DS106 Radio.

CC BY-NC-SA by aeviin via Flickr

You’ve seen the news. You know what is coming. What was a few incidents quickly spreads to a pandemic and eventually we will be thrust into chaos and the apocalypse. The virus is being carried by those who were once our friends and neighbors.

What happens when borders close?

What happens when we can no longer escape?

What will we do now?