I was really excited about doing this assignment, one can never go wrong chipmunking a song. I wanted to do something different though, not the typical rock or rap song. I’ve been decided to try something more soulful. I chose a song by the up and coming artist Frank Ocean. This song “Thinking about you” has been one of my favorites for months now, just doesn’t want to get old in my head. The chipmunks just got some soul! I used audacity to edit the song, I played around with speed and pitch. Took the pitch higher, and shortened the song from 3 min 12 sec to 2 min 45 sec… not a huge difference, but enough that it sounded right. It was really tough getting it to sound good to me, because in the original song Mr. Ocean hits some pretty high notes as is… but after about 30 minutes playing with it I got it!
Check it out:
Why did I choose such a serious track? Well initially I thought I would take the song and add some humor to it, or at least lighten it up in my eyes. I did the opposite though, listening to the finished product over and over… it still comes off the same. The emotion of the song has rubbed off on the chipmunk(s), rather than the chipmunk(s) rubbing off on the song. I guess the emotion behind it was too strong a presence to be overshadowed by the chipmunks’ high-pitched cuteness. Or maybe it’s just me?