Since we are making our ds10r students do it, we really ought to be trying the Remix Generator too. My spin and some play got me:
This is the remix of the assignment Brian Metcalfe’s Image with a Message:
Demonstrate that “a picture is worth a thousand words” by superimposing a famous quotation over a “Creative Commons” licensed image.
remixed via the Bootcamp It card:
Whatever the assignment is, it can be made tougher if it is under the tutelage of a tough drill sergeant. Redo this assignment with a military kick to it, as if it was sent to boot camp. Drop down you worthless piece of flab and gimme twenty!
Here’s what I came up with:
From the original assignment, I started with the example from A Site About Jay:
I had the option to maybe use the same image, or quote. I opted for the latter, but changed up what it said to habe more “ten hut”. On Compfight, I found this cc licensed image:
For the bottom text, in Photoshop I used the layer effects for Stroke and Outer Glow to make the text really pop out.
But I was intrigued by the second Japanese quote added by Jay, and ended up on the WikiQuote page for Japanese proverbs, and liked the sound of this one:
Koketsu ni irazunba koji wo ezu. or Literally: If you do not enter the tiger’s cave, you will not catch its cub.
That fits with the drill sergeant theme, so I added it at the top. I like that I can cut and paste Japanese text directly.
And thus, this remix.
If at first you don’t succeed, remix!