Archive for the ‘RemixedAssignments992’ Category


Back after AWOL

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

I’ve completely ducked out of DS106 for the last two weeks. Work, family and a week long conference meant I’ve not don anything for week 7, 8 or Week Nine: Remixing it Up — Camp Magic MacGuffin and didn’t do anything for the wonderful: Seven Day Daily Create Challenge.

I did see a tweet from Mike Berta inviting me to Radio campfire with stories and songs which I could not follow up. For the sounds of it: Digital Raconteur: Radio Campfire Show it was great. As I’ve been digging into Internet Radio at Radio Edutalk I would have loved to join in.

So I am going to try a few daily creates this week, I started yesterday:
Night fades into day
Two photos taken out my window with iPhone, layered and with a fade applied with photoshop touch on an ipad.

and I’ve made a quick one on the Remix Machine Tell A Tale On A Tapestry [remixed]: DS106-ersizing, whicxh turns out to be quite easy:

The Bildwirkerey von Bayeux looks useful: Create your own stories with the historic tale construction kit.

Hopefully heading for a slightly more creative week.