Archive for the ‘magicmacguffin’ Category


Sun Peeking Through: An Image Daily Create

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

Today’s Daily Create 143: Look up today and make a photo that favors what’s going on in the sky.

Taken outside the clinic where I work. Mostly cloudy and overcast day but, the sun was trying to shine through.

Sun Peeking Through

TDC 143 – Sky

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

I know I was driving when I took this picture, which is not the safest way to do The Daily Create. I thought of The Daily Create and I decided to take the photograph it while I was thinking about it.

Just back from the trip to CVI, the new owners of Camp Magic…

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

Just back from the trip to CVI, the new owners of Camp Magic Macguffin. The good news is they have bought up a lot of surplus property around camp, some 25,000 acres including a former chruch camp, some survivalist compound, and a hillbilly moonshine operation. So I have a bunch of survey work ahead of me. 

First order of business, I have to find Marco the head of facilities, and hand him over the heavy package I was ordered to carry back.It is rather warm, and when I sneak a peek at it, which I cannot seem to stop doing, I get very lethargic and loose my train of throughts. But the glow of the metal orbs is mesmerizing…

How to hangout at camp without hanging out. #DS106

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

Today’s Camp Macguffin campfire hangout was very entertaining and informative. I joined the camp fire hangout this morning from work. The problem is that my workplace is not really conducive to sending audio and video, so while I could see and hear everything going on I could only participate via the text chat. So when I discovered that I could watch and listen to the hangout from Google Plus, I gave up my seat so someone else could join in and I watched from the bushes where I discovered olHatchetJack was  stalking watching the proceedings.
Here’s what it looked like in my browser.

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by wwnorm
This seems like a good way to get more participants especially if we use  Twitter instead of the built in chat in the hangout. Late arrivals would still be able to experience the live event, kind of from the back row, and if anyone leaves early,  someone else could grab the vacated spot. It just means someone in the hangout needs to watch the Twitter back channel to relay any comments or questions. I think Alan and Bryan Alexander were on Twitter for some of the time as I saw them Tweeting during the campfire.

I don’t know all the details but when the hangout started, I found our host, Alan on G+ with a notice which told me he was in a hangout. Clicking on the notice, I could suddenly see and hear the hangout even though I hadn’t joined it. I think it has to be a public, broadcast hangout to work this way. Anyway I thought it was pretty cool. The only thing I couldn’t see was the hangout chat. I think there’s a way to watch from YouTube, too.

The point of all this is that campers can participates even if they get the “hangout full” message when trying to join. I’ll probably have to use this approach for most of the remaining hangouts unless I’m away from work. I think the hangouts will be a great way to get some group interaction, so I encourage everyone to check it out. Hey, we could even have hangouts for our bunk groups too.

That’s all. Now I’ve got to go take some pictures of the sky for TDC, see ya.

That’s my story. Any Questions?

Hatchet Jack Tries an Animated Gif

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

Ol Hatchet Jack here flexing my digital Gif muscles with a little of one of my very favorite scenes in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. The scene has Randle attempting to lift a massive water fixture from the floor and toss it out the window of the hospital so he might wander on outta there. The patients know he can’t do it. Maybe Randle knows that too but he sure as heck is gonna try. And we find some wisdom in his words,

But I tried, didn’t I? Goddamn it, at least I did that.

Maybe I have some name connection to Jack Nickolson here. We are both Jacks after all. But more than that I think this scene in the move had some fine acting, similar to his presence in A Few Good Men when he is on the witness stand. Pretty amazing stuff. The lines in the book resonate with me as I learn myself to push my envelope a bit and try things I may not think I can actually do. I learned about that riding mountain bikes with teenagers too. I had to go first. I had to try lest they make fun of me or try it first and get hurt…

Jack did this gif using Photoshop and five screen captures from YouTube. Not the easiest, but it works save the grainy look. I added some “tweening” between the frames to smooth it out just a bit. The clip itself jumped real quick from his head looking down a little and then looking up. It was pretty fast in this scene.

So campers, let’s go give it a try and see what we find today!

Blue Gray Glass Day

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

This is the view from The Alsea Room in The Cliff House in Waldport where we love to stay. The dark things on the point are Harbor Seals.

Over Memorial Day weekend, Peter and I stayed at the wonderful Cliff House B n B in Waldport, overlooking the mouth of the Alsea River where it goes into the ocean. Peter wrote a sonnet while looking out the window, so I thought it would be a cool digital story to film out the window while he read his poem–and I still think it is!

Peter scopes the seals and eagles out the window of The Alsea Room.


Harbor Seals sleeping the day away at the mouth of the Alsea River. Courtesy of Greg The Busker


I also wrote a review of The Cliff House for

Camp Magic MacGuffin : First Impressions

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

hatchetjackToday, after missing the bus and a week late, I finally made it to Camp Magic MacGuffin. Hurray for me! Once here I was welcomed by my Camp Counselor Hatchet Jack. My immediate thought was “In five days we’ll all either be working in an underground gold mine for him… or be dead by his hand”. When your bio on the Camp Counselor page in the orientation pamphlet is written as a manifesto, you know you are working with someone with a sound mind. Anyhow, he seems stable enough to be a counselor and he wields an impressive handmade hatchet that he most likely made himself. Well I am off to unpack and meet everyone in Bunk 5.

River, Path, Memory

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

A Larkspur Path by Alsea River

On Memorial Day Weekend 2012, Peter and I headed for a weekend at Waldport. We drove up to Philomath, then drove down the Alsea River. We made a pit stop at Clemens Park and stayed a while as the larkspur was in bloom, and the river brought back memories to Peter.

I put this together like a journal entry, trying to capture the rhythm of a mind, a set of eyes, and an interaction with another person’s memory. Audio turned out rougher than I would have liked, but maybe next time I’ll get it right!

Hujambo Campers

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

Look who I brought to camp with me? yes yes. They are a piece of love fallen from the skies above. Okay everyone, say HUJAMBO! That means hello in kswahili. Now we are all friends. Let’s get this camp party started.

TDC 5/30/12 Part 2

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

Based on Kathleen Johnson’s image for today, I used Idée’s Multicolor Search Lab to create a composite image of CC-licensed images from Flickr that contain the colors of my morning sky. Then I layered that composite image on top of my original photo.