Archive for the ‘seals’ Category


Blue Gray Glass Day

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

This is the view from The Alsea Room in The Cliff House in Waldport where we love to stay. The dark things on the point are Harbor Seals.

Over Memorial Day weekend, Peter and I stayed at the wonderful Cliff House B n B in Waldport, overlooking the mouth of the Alsea River where it goes into the ocean. Peter wrote a sonnet while looking out the window, so I thought it would be a cool digital story to film out the window while he read his poem–and I still think it is!

Peter scopes the seals and eagles out the window of The Alsea Room.


Harbor Seals sleeping the day away at the mouth of the Alsea River. Courtesy of Greg The Busker


I also wrote a review of The Cliff House for