Archive for the ‘Second Life’ Category


The Day After Album Cover #ds106

Monday, July 16th, 2012

picture of SL AvatarWhile the ds106 video weeks have gone speeding by like some kind of super-luminal neutrinos, I’m still trying to wrap up my account of the audio radio project. Here’s the summary of my project.

The DigiOuijas (Bunk 5 group) decided on a theme of the morning after the apocalypse. Each participating member created a short piece which was compiled into the final production. I decided to write a story loosely based on the Mayan Apocalypse (scheduled for 12/21/2012) in which time and space come to an end in order to make way for a new world. I wrote a story from the perspective of a survivor who somehow finds his way into the new world, albeit transformed into an alien form, no longer human.
Since the project was audio, I wanted something more than just myself narrating the story, so to give it some aural interest, I had my story read by a text to voice reader. I intentionally searched for a reader that was less than perfect, so that the voice was distinctly unnatural. I used an online service at After the story mp3 was created, I added in some sound effects (mostly from I used Audacity for the audio edits.

Here’s a  the embed of my story on Soundcloud.
DayAfter by wwnorm


Alan posted a link to the whole show (and all the other shows here) 

After the story was uploaded, there was some chatter online about a possible gathering in Second Life where the DS106 radio feed could be heard. I thought it would be fun to join in. I’ve used Second Life a few times, and I’ve seen some really outrageous avatars there. I got a crazy idea to create a avatar of my transformed apocalypse survivor to bring to the Second Life meeting. Not knowing anything about Avatar generation in Second Life, I turned to my Second Life go-to person, @Cris2B ( to see if she had any tips to get me started. In response she offered to work with her Second Life partner Ajax to make the Avatar for me based on my description.  That’s one of the great things about ds106; the sharing, helping, spirit. A day or so later later, they came back with this awesome Second life creature for me to use. Some screenshots were tweeted during the airing of the radio shows. Here’s a few more.


While the turnout in Second Life was not huge, we had fun listening to all the radio projects there. By the way, the sound quality of the DS106 radio feed was excellent in Second Life so there was no downside to listening in from there. We had fun taking pictures of the alien avatar and exchanging remarks on the broadcasts in the Second Life chat area.

I wanted to do something with some of the screenshots from Second life, so I decided to make an album cover for the DigiOuijas radio broadcast. I hope none of my bunk mates are upset that I made this album cover so self-centered, but if you are, you can always go make your own album cover. So here it is, front and back:

That’s my story. Any questions?

Lisa Says

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

"It's the grooviest place in Second Life"

The animated GIF above is currently also playing at Always Be Reflecting.

I knew the moment I saw and heard her extraordinary Boogie in Second Life video that I’d use it as the backdrop for today’s Daily Rounds.

Thanks Lisa, this made my day. Please forgive me for ever thinking you were normal. :)

Tutorial – Hangouts & Second Life

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

I think the procedure for sharing an application window in a Google + Hangout OnAir is sufficiently represented in this video. The bottom line is that it is a really easy process. I think this opens up a lot of possibilities for presenting, demonstrating and collaborating.

I look forward to seeing how others run with the idea. As for me, I’m going to keep on with the Daily Rounds. So I guess I should get ready for tomorrow’s shot.

Reflection: Doing the Rounds

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

And just like that, the first installment of Scottlo’s Daily Rounds is in the can. Technically, it was really quite east to execute. I regret over modulating a couple of times on the microphone. I don’t think the distorted sound diminishes or masks the enthusiasm I was feeling. It was a blast.

I intend to put together some sort of tutorial showing how Googe + Hangouts On Air’s screen sharing feature can be used in this way. The video part is really easy. It just requires pressing a button. But if one wants to bring the audio from the application being shared into the Hangout, a bit of rerouting is required. I used Ladio Cast and SoundFlower (it was a minor tweek of the way I’ve done Skype calls on ds106 radio).

I should be able to hobble some such tutorial together in the next few days. I’m trying to decide whether use still images and a text write-up or to shoot it in video. Any thoughts?

One thing I need to find out about is the “legality” of shooting videos in other regions. I heard someone mention that this is a violation of the Terms of Service for SL unless permission is secured. I’ve also heard that it is okay unless the estate owner has prohibited it. If that is the case, I don’t know how to find out whether or not such a prohibition exists.

I do know that it is okay on Corona Cay so I will continue to do the rounds there until I get word from the legal team. Please let me know if you know anything about this issue.

Also, I’m not sure about embedding these videos to the Scottlo Radio Blog on a daily basis. They are on YouTube and my Hangout page for those who are interested. Any thoughts on this?

Until tomorrow….

Totally Fun and Good Podcast – ep 002

Monday, June 4th, 2012

From the looks of things here, it would appear that I’ve got it in for Keeme. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. As mentioned in this second installment of The Totally Fun and Good Podcast, he is one of the good guys in Second Life. I had the good fortune of reconnecting with him today while trying to shoot a trailer video for an upcoming project: The Scottlo Daily Rounds.

The half hour or so we spent talking about doing media stuff in the coming months was for more exciting and interesting than the trailer would have been. We had to cut our chat short so I could go to work. On the way in, I recorded this little podcast.

Hopefully, Keeme will be joining in for an upcoming recording. This fellow has got some stories to tell.

(download audio)

As for the trailer and the project, they will be coming very soon.

Week 2 – Letter to Otto from the Security Tower

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

A Letter to Otto

Dear Otto,

As you will see from the attached photo, the situation here is turning weird. An image on the Twitter this past week alerted me to the fact that a CDB Barkley made a reconnaissance mission from Mine Craft to the Always Be Reflecting parcel on Corona Cay. Apparently there are plans afoot that will lead to an operation to rescue me from this virtual world so that I may don a Sponge Bob shaped avatar in another one so that I may use a pick and shovel to help build a statue of the Bava. The only saving grace is that the people there are pretty awesome.

I’ve moved my operations into the Security Tower until the situation blows over. Though I feel I’m missing out so much of the fun and the goodness by being here instead of in one of the bunkhouses at Camp Magic MacGuffin, recent discoveries require that I continue my work here.

I was able to produce a couple of video tutorials on creating animated GIFs and turning those GIFs into a tga texture file. The final installment of the series will demonstrate how to bring the texture file into the virtual world, attach it to an object and animate it. I’m discovering through this process a deeper meaning than I’d ever imagined as to the utility of these simple animations. Unfortunately between the looming threat of a rescue mission and my own race against the clock, I fear there might not be the chance to demonstrate that deeper meaning before the end of camp.

Another complicating factor comes from an unrelated discovery. On Wednesday evening, I joined a virtual campfire session which was held in Google hangouts (it turns out that the thing was broadcast live with a recorded version stored on YouTube). Before joining, I had wondered whether it werepossible to present my Second Life screen in lieu of the web camera. But as the dean of digital storytelling and gothic netlore, Bryan Alexander, was scheduled to be in attendance, I felt it wouldn’t be cricket for me to show up as a cartoon. The campfire session was provocative and inspiring, you should watch the video when you have time.

The next day,  I did a few experiments and was eventually successful in running a Google Hangout OnAir while transmitting the Second Life screen. Though further experimentation is indicated, my initial impression of the potential for this format of transmission and archival of independently produced media surpasses even that of the simple elegance of the animated GIF.

So with so little time to figure so much stuff out, I imagine that I will continue to lag behind in the recommended tasks, activities and assignments for the Camp Magic MacGuffin. Fortunately, there is the chance to stay abreast of the amazing work being done by the other campers via the rss feed from the Camp website. The only complaint might be that there is too much good stuff that one cannot take it all in. I understand that new campers continue to arrive nearly every day so it’s not too late for you to participate should you be so moved.

Looking ahead, I’m putting together the finishing touches on a reprise of the old Daily Update video project. You’ve probably already figured out where this is going. Each installment will be done live as a Hangout from Second Life. Details are forthcoming.


Baitin’ and Switchin’

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

Okay, it looks like all the tech is in place. There’s no reason any of you guys can’t take control of your own media transmissions. Doing it alone is good enough for proving the concept. But to build something that will make the kids say “Zoinks” a collaborative effort is indicated.

I’ve got about eight more weeks before I’m going to disconnect from broadband access for an undetermined spell. I’d love to connect with some folks who might share some sort of vision of what is possible and what is at stake here to try to make a wee bit of magic between then and now.

I think you know where I’ll be or how to reach me. If not, please leave a memo in the comments.

Tutorial: Animated GIF to SL Texture

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

As mentioned in the recent podcast, I’m well aware that what’s being covered is probably not something many people will ever be interested in doing. So I’m grateful for anyone taking the time to watch and willing to offer feedback in terms of hos this tutorial as a tutorial.

For me this is all learning process. For a long time I’ve wanted to try my hand at producing such resources. I imagine that over time they will become easier to make and, hopefully, easier to watch.

One issue that vexes me is what size display settings I should use. By the time the video gets sent from iShowU to YouTube, the video quality seems to degrade. I wonder why the text on the screen is so washed out and blurry. I guess I’ll continue on with trial and error until I find something that works. And I will have a chance to try another video tutorial soon because we next need to see how to get the texture file in to Second Life, apply it to an object and animate it with the script.

I also want to try to make a tutorial using only written words and images. This seems to be an equally challenging proposition but for different reasons. Later this week I will try to document in such format the process of broadcasting a Second Life session with Google + Hangouts as seen on the previous blog post.

I think the same principle would apply for MineSweeper so the hope is that we’ll be able to have some sort of Camp Magic MacGuffin simulcast from the two virtual spaces before too long. If anyone is interested in trying to collaborate on this, please get in touch.

A Momentous Moment, Sure Enough

Friday, June 1st, 2012

Though this particular video is nothing to write the congressman about, I think it hints at some exciting possibilities. It was just a lark that led me to see if it was possible to transmit from Second Life in Google Plus.

My first idea was to use the application I’d used before when doing something similar with Justin TV a year or so ago. That application is called CamTwist. It worked but not nearly as well as it did when I used the screen sharing feature of G+ Hangout (as seen in the video above).

So now I’m getting more and more excited with Lisa’s suggestion to have a dance party during the midterm week of Camp Magic MacGuffin. For those unwilling or too scared to venture in to SL, it will be possible to watch the event live.

But who’s gonna choose the music? That is an important question.


A letter from camp to Otto Paertz

Monday, May 28th, 2012

Dear Otto,

As the first week of Camp Magic MacGuffin draws to a close, I wanted to take a moment to drop you a line. Perhaps you are wondering why I never picked you up in my Winnabego along the way to camp as we had planned. The reason I never made it to your place in Bay City is because the RV got stuck in the sand when I took a little detour in to the virtual world called Second Life.

I remain on a beach on an island chain called Corona Cay and have yet to arrive at the camp. Fortunately the internet connection here is good enough that I’m able take part in some of the camp activities.

This past week for example, I was able to do three installments of The Daily Create. Two of the three snapshots I uploaded were taken in my recent explorations in Second Life. You’ll be happy to know that one of the images even confounded your old nemisis: The Bava. How sick is that?

I’ve heard via the twitter that some feel I’ve gone a bit off the ds106 script with my renewed enthusiasm for this immersive 3D virtual reality experience. I’ve discovered in my short time here that such an online environment offers an unlimited palette for creative expression across a spectrum of media. It seems to me that this is the sort of space that digtial storytellers would want to seek out

I must confess that I’ve been so focused on my personal project of building an emporium for animated GIFs that I’ve been a wee bit negligent on meeting all of the required Camp Magic MacGuffin tasks. I was fortunate enough to get to spend some time with Camp Co-director Cogdog on the ds106 radio this past weekend. He an Martha have done a lovely job of getting the camp up and running.

The only thing I think this camp needs is you. It should still be possible to register a blog and join in from a distance – as I am. Better yet, perhaps Stella or Merrill could assist you in making the journey from Bay City.

Think how much benefit your inspirational Vince Lombardi Troll Quote posters would bring the campers campers. You don’t need me to remind you how much this open-online scene would benefit from a little good olde fashioned Prussian strategic thinking. From there, it’s just a hop, skip and a jump to monetization.

Obviously, you are welcome to come join me in Second Life. A few of the other campers have popped in for the odd visit. There’s even talk of doing an ice cream social or something on the beach here on an upcoming Sunday.

Bottom line, there are seven more weeks of fun in store. You and anybody else reading this will regret not getting involved in Camp Magic MacGuffin.

Inscrutibly yours,