Archive for the ‘TDC Drawing’ Category


TDC #137: Trace of My Face

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

I’m good to my word. I’m working hard to keep up with The Daily Creates. They just haven’t been posted because I’ve been so darn busy! By the time I get done with things I HAVE to do during the day, I hop online to write at 750words and then promptly pass out. Luckily, all the hard bits of moving are over, and that means more time to sneak in fun things like this!

TDC137 Face TraceCC Attribution_NonCommercial_ShareAlikeClick here to see this photo on Flickr.

I was very excited about this assignment after seeing everyone’s really creative output. I don’t personally have an iPad (which is how most people seemed to be doing the assignment), so I considered going out to buy a Bamboo tablet, which would give me greater finesse over my digital art work. I’m still considering it… However, my mom offered to let me use her iPad, so I saved about $60 by springing for a $17 stylus instead. I’m thrilled by how it turned out. I may be getting a hand-me-down iPad soon-ish, anyway.