Archive for the ‘tdc135’ Category


My Grandfather: A Family Legend

Monday, May 28th, 2012

While I have more than enough already to do, this week I decided to dust off the old and jump into this summer’s version of DS106, Camp Magic Macguffin. Since I have been doing a lot of research and … Continue reading

Grandfather TDC 135 and 136

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

I am hoping to keep up with the Daily Create this class. As part of Camp MagicMacMuffin the task is:

Introduce Yourselves via this Wednesday’s Daily Create. Each week, you will be asked to complete a few of our daily assignment challenges at will ask that you do the video one on Wednesday (5/23); use it as an introduction and a chance to tell a story. How you do video is up to you; it can be done from your mobile device, or directly into the web cam using a site like YouTube.

Being on the other side of the Atlantic, and too lazy to look up the time difference I am not sure if Wednesday is tdc135 or tdc136, it is Thursday here now but tdc136 sohwed up yesterday about 4pm, so 135 was up on Wednesday too, there are the tasks:
Make a video of you showing and telling a story of an old photograph
Tell us a family legend about yourself or someone else in your family.

I though this video would fit both.

I think that daily creates should not be posted to blogs to stop choking up the main ds106feed, but as this is an intro and a new blog that I’ve set up especially for DS106 I am going to post it here anyway.

TDC: The Story of a Photo

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012

After putting together The Daily Create earlier this year I’ve been lucky to have Alan Levine refining the backend of the site and loading up a bunch of assignments. The semester got so busy I didn’t end up participating all that much but decided to jump back in yesterday, and I’m glad I did. Yesterday was a video assignment to tell a story about an old photo. What I love about these types of assignments is that you get to see an intimate moment of the other ds106 participants as they tell a story on camera. I only wish we could figure out the Youtube feed, for some reason there are massive delays for some folks and even my video is still on available on the TDC site a day later.

In any case it gave me an opportunity to pull out one of many embarrassing photos from my childhood and talk on camera, plus I got to play around with the video feature of our shiny new camera. Here’s what I submitted: