Archive for the ‘tdc136’ Category


My Grandfather: A Family Legend

Monday, May 28th, 2012

While I have more than enough already to do, this week I decided to dust off the old and jump into this summer’s version of DS106, Camp Magic Macguffin. Since I have been doing a lot of research and … Continue reading

Face Trace

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

Today’s Daily Create is a cool one from Darren Kuropatwa who I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time at this year’s Educon. The assignment was to take a photo of yourself and trace over it to create a line drawing of your face. Since I don’t have a lightbox I went the iPad route. I’ve never used many of the drawing programs I have on my iPad and I had the fun idea of thinking I could also generate a video of the drawing by using the Brushes app which records all your brush strokes. Unfortunately the video it created has the background image flipped sideways for some reason. Regardless it’s still fun to watch the drawing come together so I figured I’d add it here in addition to the final image I uploaded to Flickr.

A Family Legend

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

I recorded this just before hitting the bunk bed in my cabin at Camp Magic MacGuffin, a family legend about my dad. I saw him pick up a handful of dirt and crush it into a rock. I have the rock to this day. You might say that makes this Doo Wop Girl gullible, but I say I have a life enriched by my imagination and an incredible family story.