Archive for the ‘tdc139’ Category


Wrapping Up Some Daily Creativity for Camp

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

In an effort to keep pace with Week 2 of DS106‘s Camp Magic Macguffin, I jumped into The Daily Create cycle. It was a busy week, so I only got around to finishing the required three. Also, I did create … Continue reading

Three Wolf Moon

Sunday, May 27th, 2012
Three Wolf Moon by snakepliskens
Three Wolf Moon, a photo by snakepliskens on Flickr.

For today’s Daily Create which asks us to represent the moon somehow, I immediately thought of the Three Moon Wolf shirt, which is an internet phenomenon that Tom Woodward turned me onto more than a year ago. In short, the Amazon page for this somewhat cheesy t-shirt design has become the inspiration for a comment campaign that has earned this piece of clothing a kind of internet cult status. According to many the shirt has magical qualities that are bestowed to any who wear it. This mythology around the Three Wolf Moon shirt was born out of the more than 2400 product reviews, add to that 48,000 users voting on the comment narrative and you have a pretty compelling example of freeform participatory storytelling. And after all that the shirt still has a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars on Amazon.  It’s one of those fascinating cases where the most unlikeliest of stories plays out in the comment fields of a seemingly unremarkable item on a commercial site.

This is the web’s greatest Moon.

And then there is Paul Bond’s Keith Moon which hit the mark for me.