Archive for the ‘magicmacguffin’ Category


Alvin and the Chipmunks…have been “Thinking about You”

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

I was really excited about doing this assignment, one can never go wrong chipmunking a song. I wanted to do something different though, not the typical rock or rap song. I’ve been decided to try something more soulful. I chose a song by the up and coming artist Frank Ocean. This song “Thinking about you” has been one of my favorites for months now, just doesn’t want to get old in my head. The chipmunks just got some soul! I used audacity to edit the song, I played around with speed and pitch. Took the pitch higher, and shortened the song from 3 min 12 sec to 2 min 45 sec… not a huge difference, but enough that it sounded right. It was really tough getting it to sound good to me, because in the original song Mr. Ocean hits some pretty high notes as is… but after about 30 minutes playing with it I got it!

Check it out:

Why did I choose such a serious track? Well initially I thought I would take the song and add some humor to it, or at least lighten it up in my eyes. I did the opposite though, listening to the finished product over and over… it still comes off the same. The emotion of the song has rubbed off on the chipmunk(s), rather than the chipmunk(s) rubbing off on the song. I guess the emotion behind it was too strong a presence to be overshadowed by the chipmunks’ high-pitched cuteness. Or maybe it’s just me?

DS106 Apocalypse Radio

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

You’ll have to check out this week’s audio letter home coming on Sunday to find out why I’ve been away from camp so long. I did manage to make it back for another audio week in which my bunkhouse is engaged in creating a string of stories along a topic – ala This American Life.

Part of the project is to create a 15 to 30 second radio bump to promote our live show airing next week on DS106 Radio.

CC BY-NC-SA by aeviin via Flickr

You’ve seen the news. You know what is coming. What was a few incidents quickly spreads to a pandemic and eventually we will be thrust into chaos and the apocalypse. The virus is being carried by those who were once our friends and neighbors.

What happens when borders close?

What happens when we can no longer escape?

What will we do now?

Ray’s Irresistible Chin

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

I watched many Ray Bolger clips on YouTube while doing research for the last podcast. Several amazing scenes of him dancing have been downloaded and are in the queue to be assembled into animated GIF form. But when I came across Ray’s 1963 appearance on CBS’s The Judy Garland Show, I felt I’d struck gold.

The visual moment I love most, pictured above, comes as Judy asks Ray to sing If I Only Had a Brain. This was his signature song from his role as Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz. Thirty years prior to this television show is when each of them performed the parts that would, for better or worse, define each of their subsequent careers.

But the most powerful moments in the video are spoken words which obviously don’t lend themselves to animated GIF form. Once such moment was when Ray described the deeper significance of the Oz story as told to him by his mother when he was a boy. The other is Ray recalling how much working with Judy on the movie had meant to him. It’s the sort of nostalgia that could bring a tear to the eye and is very much worth watching.

But there are still a couple more GIFs that might be of interest:

Here’s an extracted moment of Ray singing If I Only Had a Brain. The warmth and affection in Judy’s expression, even if she’s only mugging for the camera, is striking. And given everything else that goes down in the video, I’m of a mind that we are seeing genuine emotion here.

Technically speaking, there’s a bit more jumpiness in this GIF than I’d prefer. In my effort to find beginning and ending points in which the faces, bodies, motions and camera angles coincided, I failed to notice that there was an ever so small camera movement.  That’s why I cropped this image instead of changing the scale as I did with the other two GIFs.

The first two clips were longer sequences than I’ve been capturing lately – each was over than three seconds. Even with a capture rate of  4 fps, I still wound up with over a dozen frames for each GIF. This means that the files sizes are larger than I’d ordinarily prefer.

The same is not true of the final GIF of this series.

The video ends with Ray and Judy doing Follow the Yellow Brick  Road. It speaks for itself, doesn’t it?

Multitask This!

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

Kid these days…

They can text rings around us adults, figure out the most complex of technical devices, and multitask so fast that keyboards are in danger of spontaneous combustion from all the furious clicking of keys, right?

Wrong! I have yet to see any students exhibit on a mass scale the skills and innate abilities that those labeled “digital natives” are supposed to have (note, I never used the term digital native, I thought it was bogus from the start). The truth of the matter is, some students are more apt to be able to figure out complicated software, dart in and out of multiple windows, but no more so than the number of students who excel at football, complex differentials, or playing the guitar. I’m not saying that students can’t adapt, but rather the myths of multi-tasking (aka acquired inattention) need to be laid to rest, and replaced with actual shortcomings of attempting to multi-task.

Which leads me to the following audio snippet I captured earlier this evening at my piano (warning, I’m not that great at piano). To me, the ability to multi-task doesn’t impress unless someone is attempting to accomplish two rather difficult cognitive tasks (completely dependent on the individual’s talents that is). For example, I have a terribly difficult time trying to play the piano and talk at the same time. Thus, I present to you, my attempt to “Multitask This!”

Imagine how much fun it would be to showcase your shortcomings the first day of school by sharing a small piece of audio like this? Let your students know up front that there are some things even teachers have a hard time accomplishing (and maybe get a few laughs out of it). A bit more seriously though, the idea of multi-tasking is that it’s either HARD to accomplish a few tasks well, or it’s EASY to do a pretty crappy job at a lot of tasks. Would you rather have your students struggling to accomplish something monumental, like creating effective and moving persuasive video essays of their written work? Or would you rather keep them busy with an endless litany of mindless “edu-games” that mostly just serve as distractions?

If you’re interested in creating your own “Multitask This!” audio snippet, I’d love to hear the results. Just capture some audio (unedited of course) of you trying to accomplish two tasks that seem rather basic, perhaps even elementary when completed in isolation, yet present quite a challenge for you when combined.

A Ride Through the City: An Audio Story

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

As a required audio assignment for DS106 (AKA: Camp Magic Macguffin) I had to create a story under 90 seconds that contained no verbal communication – just sounds. I started by looking up audio clips and just trying to brainstorm what I wanted to do. If there is one thing I love and can’t wait to do (hopefully soon!) is ride a motorcycle. So I decided to create a little story of someone (idealistically ME) zipping up there leather jacket, walking outside, starting their (MY) bike and going on a ride. As the ride continues city backgrounds are brought into the picture… horns, sirens, a helicopter above, people. I got my sounds from an awesome website with a plethora of sounds and edited it all using Audacity. The software was easy to download, and a few questions submitted to Professor Google made using it very easy. I combined different sounds, faded them in and out as I please and finally got a 53 second story. I think for my first try my sounds transitioned and overlapped fairly smoothly (please give me feedback if you listen to it!).

The story fades out… the ride will continue on as the listener chooses. After finishing it, I closed my eyes and heard it. I realized then how personal it was to me. It is a reflection of something I hope to one day do, and my choice of city sounds (as oppose to say a countryside) also is a reflection of me. I was born and raised in the city ( the greatest one in the world by the way: New York), and this story just shows how much comfort and auditorial pleasure I get from the hustle and bustle of city sounds.

Take a listen and join me on my ride…

The following are links to the soundclips I used…

Letter Home: Week 4

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

Dear mom,

This week has been crazy. A lot of school work piling up – final project and exam for Web App Development course and all the Camp Magic Macguffin activities as well. Its been rough but I’ve survived. I’ve fallen a bit behind on Camp due to Mai passing away, work, and school… but I’m catching up slowly but surely with the other campers! Everyone is helpful and nice.

I learned a TON of stuff! I learned and applied different design elements into my photography/creations, learned about Creative Commons (which is an awesome concept!), and even made my own meme- you even got a shoutout on it!

I also did some cool daily creates!

This one is a drawing made of nothing but geometric shapes…

and this one is me noticing our interesting choice for rope material….

Please check out my blog for all the stuff I’ve done lately. I’ve been posting a lot lately! Enjoy and hope to see you soon :)

your son,

Mohamed T. Moaz

Comic Book Pro… Yo!

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

This assignment was really cool! At first I contemplated drawing myself, but thought to further my tinkering with photo editing (which I’ve grown very interested in recently). I tried maybe 4 or 5 different softwares/websites for photo editing. My favorite by far for this assignment was Very user friendly and GUI is appealing. I used the cartoonizer effect, which allows you to adjust everything from color detail, clutter cleaner, smoothness, to sketch detail. As I was playing with the software I also found a really cool feature I thought to add to this… one that will can ‘brush over’ the image… and either ‘paint’ it in original form or in the chosen effect. So I decided to keep 2 things ‘uncartoonized’… my eyes and my watch. Gotta have clear vision and time is everything ;)

The very ground beneath you.. being sucked into another dimension!

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

This is a photo I took of a small ditch/pothole in a lot. I got really close to the ground and took the shot. Then using my beloved I used the kaleidoscope filter on it. You can adjust the size, horizontal, and vertical distortions as you like. I kept tinkering with it until I got the effect that I wanted.. the solid ground beneath your feet being sucked into a vortex like a whirlpool into the next dimension *insert trippy music here*

The original photo looked like this…

When I took the original my intent was to take a photo of something and make it bigger than what it seemed… a play with the design element that is proportion. Adding the extra filter only made it that much more what I wanted it to be!

Off on Assignment for Camp!!

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

After yesterday’s amazing experience in Shed 4, I visited again briefly with Alan this morning. I can’t describe the incredible feeling of peace and relaxation I feel. I don’t even remember what was bothering me before, and I almost can’t believe I ever doubted Alan or CVI. I will admit that my head has been aching fiercely this morning, but it’s a small price to pay for the feeling of empty calm that I’m experiencing. 

What’s more, I guess the guys at CVI saw the video and are finally ready to really give me more responsibility at camp! I received a fax late last night with instructions about a special assignment they have for me. I’m heading out now to meet up with my transportation for the trip. I’m not entirely sure what to expect; they indicated that more instructions would be forthcoming. But I expect to be away on this assignment for the next three days. Hopefully, I’ll be able to communicate a bit by Twitter. I’ll try to share anything exciting that happens!!!

Wish me luck! 

What People Think I do Meme

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012


I have always wanted to create a Meme, they are always so amusing to me lol. I used for this one, it is super easy. I decided to just make it a comical parody of myself in a sense. The first picture on the top left is how my mother thinks I eat all prim and proper… the one below it is how I really eat (when I’m hungry lol). The second column is what people think I do at events as an ISA (Islamic Student Association) Executive Board member… and what I actually do. The last one is how I percieve myself as a computer science major … nothing less than the great Morpheus from The Matrix (that movie has part of my heart), when in reality I just sit in my room and make weird faces at code that refuses to run properly the first go.

I thought to do a single aspect of myself- like a meme on CPSC majors, Egyptians, Africans, Muslim, how I drive my car- but thought it more individual and personally amusing to do one specifically for Mohamed himself.