Archive for the ‘VideoAssignments457’ Category


Animated Rock Starts

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

Phineas and Ferb is the best cartoon known to man. For those who aren’t big on cartoons, you should really consider watching it. It cones on at random times on Disney Channel and is on a lot. When I saw the assignment to animate a music video, I honestly almost fell out of my bed. This has to be one of the best assignments yet.



2. clicked. “NEW PROJECT”


3.  went to Google images and typed in “Phineas and Ferb Rock Stars”


4. downloaded 18 photos and saved them to a folder

5. went back into Windows Movie Maker, and on the left hand side, clicked “PICTURES”

6. selected the 18 photos

7. downloaded PARTY LIKE A ROCK STAR by the Shop Boyz

8. repeated (step 5)


9. selected the song

10. added a title page and typed what I wanted into the page

11. dragged and dropped the song into the Timeline

12. dragged and dropped the pictures according to the lyrics (matched them as much as possible)

13. reviewed the work and made adjustments so the lyrics and pictures matched.

14. made a “credits” page showing where I got all of my work

15. uploaded my video to YouTube and embedded it into my post.


I have said many times before the music is my life. I know about a lot of songs and the Phineas and Ferb episode of when they were rock stars was my favorite. This assignment took a longer time than normal because I had to match pictures with words, but it was easy. It took me about 35 minutes to do, but it was fun so it didn’t feel as if it was that long. Once you understand the flow of how Windows Movie Makers works, it gets easier. I hope my video was interesting and my steps were clear and easy. Enjoy!

For more. Click here. –>>[Animated Music Videos]<<–

A little metal for #457

Saturday, July 7th, 2012

Not only is this a bastardization of video assignment 457, but it’s also kind of a cheat since I did this video a handful of years ago.  But I’m not a student, and I’m not working for a grade, so I get to do what I want to do.

The rules guidelines for video assignment #457 read like this:

Take a favorite cartoon or anime like show, take some clips, mash them together and add music to it. Try to pick out a specific theme in your clips that follow the theme of the music. Keep an eye out for changes in the music and plan your clips accordingly.

Here’s my interpretation:

Take a favorite cartoon or anime like show, take some clips, mash them together and add music to it. Try to pick out a specific theme in your clips that follow the theme of the music. Keep an eye out for changes in the music and plan your clips accordingly.

I met some of the criteria.

Anyways…  Battlemaster is a Richmond black metal band.  They are wonderful.  Some of the sweetest guys you’ll ever meet.  Back in 2007 they put out Warthirsting & Winterbound, which included the song, “This Mead Is Making Me Warlike.”  When played live, this song really rallied the audience.  It was met with singing, the raising of PBR cans in the air, and sometimes the tossing of said PBR cans.

I took the song and mixed it with public domain footage from  I haven’t looked at this video in years.  The assortment of clips is truly, truly bizarre.  So here we go:

Thanks, DS106, for making me pull this project off the shelf.