Archive for the ‘VideoAssignments463’ Category


As Easy as Making Dresses

Monday, July 16th, 2012

For my last few stars worth of video assignments I chose to do an assignment called “Watching TV With The Stereo On.” I was trying to think of a movie clip to do for this assignment and since one of my other video assignments was from a Disney Movie, I started thinking about different Disney movies. I thought about some of the classic Disney movies and thought of Cinderella. I went on Youtube and looked at the different scenes that were available. I came across the scene where the little animals were making the dress for Cinderella and then tried to think of some music that could go with it. I decided upon the song “Taking Care of Business” by BTO. These little animals are really getting “down to business” to make that dress for Cinderella. As a side note, if you have not figured it out yet I am a Disney fanatic. Anyways this seemed like a good fit and the music really does correlate with the video clip, especially when the song says “….and the girls who try to look pretty…” or “…quit your slaving job and get your pay…” It does sort of match what Cinderella is doing.

Once again I used MPEG Streamclip to upload the clip from Youtube and then edit it down to size. I then uploaded my edited video clip onto Windows Live Movie Maker and muted the sound from the clip. I had the song by BTO on my itunes, so I uploaded my itunes song onto I had to do this because I cannot upload songs from itunes directly to the Movie Maker. Once the song was uploaded to the mp3cut site I was able to download it to Audacity to cut out some parts. After that I uploaded it to Movie Maker and faded the song in and out of my video. Last but not least I added a title and a credit scene and my video was complete!

Here are some screen shots of my computer while I was editing the video clip.

mp3cut site

MPEG streamclip

Editing in Windows Live Movie Maker

Downloading video onto MPEG Streamclip


Not Reading a Movie

Sunday, July 8th, 2012

Good Plan

So my intention was to sit down and “read a movie” for this week’s ds106 assignment. I read Roger Ebert’s article on How to Read a Movie, I looked over the chapter on Moving Images in a new book I have called Media Literacy in the K-12 Classroom by Frank W Baker and the I hit the list of TIFF Essential 100 to pick a movie to analyse.

Poor Execution

As I was looking over the list, I came across the film Amelie and thought that might be a good one to “read”. I really enjoyed the movie when I saw it but it was so many years ago that I would have to find it and watch it again before completing this assignment. Instead I started looking at the other visual assignments that I could do and I recalled a mash-up I had seen quite a while back that combined the Toy Story 3 and Inception trailers. I started to wonder if Inception would be a good movie to read – I had also really enjoyed that one when I saw it. Of course, that made me want to try my own mash-up of Amelie and Inception. So, I found the trailers for both, downloaded the sound and video from YouTube with my Firefox add-on and combined them in iMovie.


I think it worked pretty well! I like the combination of whimsical Amelie and ominous Inception trailers.

This might fit video assignment #463 – Watching Movies with the Stereo On: Like when you have a movie playing on TV without the sound and you’ve got the stereo on at the same time. Take a clip from a movie, remove the audio, and add audio from a song or radio show that, somehow, kind of fits.

I’ll tackle a “proper” video assignment later this week with more original content…