Archive for the ‘VideoAssignments598’ Category


5 Second Funny

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

One of the Video Assignments for this week ( was to make a 5 second long video, preferably a funny one. This was the first video assignment that I did. So I decided to get a video of my daughter slaying the dragon (my little brother). You would be amazed at the eye-hand coordination that this toddler posses. This video cracks me up every time I watch it. Since the video had to get done, we had it done in the presence of a family friend… My niece myself and I went to the basement, as my daughter helped herself to my little brother’s sword and began to slay the dragon (we love the old black and white swash-buckling movies), and slay she did. Serves him right, for telling her that aliens are in her closet.  I have never seen him move that fast in his life, even during a soccer game.

To see the full video click here ->