Slide Guy! Loves Vino
Original Source: cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo Wine Pour shared by Dr.DeNo
Original image taken from this blog post.
Another slide guy attempt and damn, Martha got to Timmmmy in space first. Oh well….
In a press announcement today, NASA scientist Marvin M. Artian released startling photographic evidence of the cause of the mysterious recent landslide deposits spotted in the Burns Hill region of the Endurance crater. Using a pirated copy of Photoshop 4 and unreleased photos found in the deleted files director of the Opportunity rover, we know have a cause for this recent geologic event:
Stay tuned for more on how those faces got built.
Slide Guy! in Space.
How can we resist Martha’s new assignment, Slide Guy aka Make a Timmmmmy Meme:
Slide Guy loves to slide down things! Find a photo of something to slide down and make your own Slide Guy! (You can find Slide Guy! to download and use at
At first I was looking for the perfect picture of a tacky dinosaur statue but then remembered my trips recently to Niagra Falls, a perfect slide for Tim:
cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog
Getting something with the right angle was key, and the horseshoe rim of the falls fit well. I imported both into GIMP using Import as Layers, and just had to resize Tim and scott him around to make it fit. The falls are big, but Timmmmmy is bigger.
What happens when he hits bottom?
Another ride!
You owe it to yourself to do the Slide Guy assignment.
Just like the Honey Badger!
cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by giulia.forsythe
Big virtual party as we (sorta) gather all the pictures of the Wäbbits for our big group photo.
Listening to the wisdom of my RSS feeds, Ben reminds us that camp counselors should lead by example. Fellow Wäbbit, John saysKeep Calm and Make a GIF. Not sure how to take Bava’s below the belt advice, but since he was inspired by our other Wäbbit Chanda it must be good.
In honor of herding Wäbbits, I have made a special group photo and included a couple of the animated gifs I made this week. Do not adjust your set. This is the technical difficulties assignment!
Special appearance of @dlnorman‘s bathroom shark (from the storybox)
and the Gladiator
Please Stand By. Wäscälly Wäbbits are just warming up.
I figured I would do one more visual assignment before we move into my favorite part of ds106 bar none, DESIGN!! I chose the “Creep on a movie scene” by the great Jack Mulrey because it is very much inline with my movie saturated mindset right now. I creeped on Alien using this screenshot from the film and this picture taken by Tom Woodward back in 2008. The picture of me is all wrong because there’s direct sunlight on the right side of my face—and given we are in a cafeteria in deep space that’s probably not gonna fly too well. Nonetheless, I kinda liked it. Anyway, here I am as part of the crew of the Nostromo, and given my coffee and cigarette I think I fit right in with these badass mofos.