Archive for the ‘VisualAssignments595’ Category


Maybe Next Time, D’Arcy

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

@dlnorman posted some pictures here, about which @brlamb commented “Added to my already voluminous @dlnorman is freakin’ hardcore file,” which, combined with all of the @timmmmyboy Slide Guy stuff from yesterday inspired me to do this.  Tim wins!

How To: Photoshop Magic Lasso

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

I’m not much one for creating “how to” videos, at least not ones that I share publicly on a regular basis, but I felt as though I owed it to some of the people whose blogs I’m following to help out a bit with the monolithic application that is Photoshop. Don’t get too excited though, I am far from being a Photoshop expert, most of my skills having waned since being a heavy Photoshop Contest participant in the early 2000s. When I saw Melanie Barker complete the quick, but fun “Slide Guy” assignment (which coincidentally remind me of a lot of the Fark contests), I was impressed. When she said she did it because she was afraid of Photoshop, I wanted to share just a couple of simple tools that I use for cutting and pasting elements from one image to another. Below is the image I created for the ds106 Slide Guy Visual Assignment using a still from a rather famous movie and a shot of Tim Owens joyously sliding down a child’s playground slide.

Look at that slide guy having so much fun trying to crush poor Dr. Jones!

Again, please bear in mind that I am an absolute novice when it comes to Photoshop, and the tools I show may very well be the worst tools to use for cutting, copying, and pasting images as far as a professional graphic designers are concerned, but these tools are super easy to use, and don’t really require that much to figure out, just a bit of practice to master. If it benefits you at all, please enjoy my 6 minute walkthrough of using the magic lasso tool in Photoshop. You can view it below or click here to watch via YouTube.

Slide Guy in the Sunshine State

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

Thought I’d take a crack at another visual assignment before the focus shifts to Design. Given the recent avalanche of excitement generated by the slide guy assignment, I could resist the urge to try a doing a couple with some vintage postcards.

The postcards were found via Google image search. The minimal bit of editing was done in GIMP and the Slide Guy image came from the dropbox.

As Slide Guy’s head partially obscured the word “Keys,” I used the clone tool to cover it with the surrounding blue. The use of the definite article with Florida might make some cringe. Fortunately, there isn’t yet a grammar component to the grading of these ds106 assignments.


Slide Guy Meets Carly Rae Jepsen

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

A few months ago a students started playing “Call Me Maybe” in the library.  He played it over and over and over again.  I thought I was going to kill myself, and I told him as much.  His response, “It really grows on you.”  And so it does.  I went home that night and instead of putting my head in the oven, I pulled up the video on Youtube and listened.  Over and over and over again.

It looks like Slide Guy likes Carly Rae Jepsen just as much as the rest of the world teenage America.

Slide Guy and Carly Rae

There’s nothing better for sliding than a soapy windshield!

I started working on this assignment in Photoshop, but I find it too overwhelming at the moment. I saw GIMP mentioned a few times, so I decided to download and use that.  I downloaded “Slide Guy” from the visual assignments page.  I downloaded the “Call Me Maybe” video from Youtube.  I then imported the video into VLC and found the scene I wanted.  I went through the scene frame by frame until I reached the one you see above.  To capture the still image, I used the “snapshot” option under “video.”  Once I had the two images, I opened them both as layers in GIMP.  It took me some time to familiarize myself with GIMP, but it was definitely manageable.  I still hope to master Photoshop…  or at least become competent in Photoshop… before the summer is over.

Slide guy saves the Dutch

Monday, June 11th, 2012

slide guy makes a save

Steklenberg thought he was beaten… but Slide Guy comes in to make a crucial save! And laughs mockingly at the Danish midfielder.


Monday, June 11th, 2012


View the full size version.

Slide Guy! Loves Vino Original Source: cc licensed ( BY NC ND )…

Monday, June 11th, 2012

Slide Guy! Loves Vino

Original Source: cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo Wine Pour shared by Dr.DeNo

Slide Guy Safe at Third

Monday, June 11th, 2012

Original image taken from this blog post.

Scientists Identify Source of Martian Landslides

Monday, June 11th, 2012

Another slide guy attempt and damn, Martha got to Timmmmy in space first. Oh well….

In a press announcement today, NASA scientist Marvin M. Artian released startling photographic evidence of the cause of the mysterious recent landslide deposits spotted in the Burns Hill region of the Endurance crater. Using a pirated copy of Photoshop 4 and unreleased photos found in the deleted files director of the Opportunity rover, we know have a cause for this recent geologic event:

Stay tuned for more on how those faces got built.

Slide Guy! in Space. 

Monday, June 11th, 2012

Slide Guy! in Space.