This was the other assignment that I created for the DS106 Assignment Depository. For my assignment you have to be funny. You need to create a comedy bit that has at least three sound effects within it. You should be able to find most of your sound effects at
For the example that I completed I recorded myself telling a joke that I knew about a man asking for a donation to the local pool. I recorded my voice on Audacity and then inserted in my three sound effects that I found on into Audacity. It was a pretty simple assignment, and one that should be fun for anyone to do and fund for people to listen to.
Early this summer I embarked on my journey to Camp Magic McGuffin, I was pretty nervous I had no idea what to expect it had been years since I had been to a camp and I had no idea what to expect. But as camp began my fears began to subside and with my first assignment I began to get more comfortable, I shared a family story which was all but a train wreck having never recorded my self talking before it was awkward for sure.
After that first week I began to get used to the camp and all its inner workings and finally became comfortable and I thought this summer is going to be a nice normal summer camp, and that’s when things got a bit odd. The first thing I noticed was the rumors of the missing Dr,Oblivion and how the suspicious circumstances around it and how nervous the topic of his disappearance seemed to make everyone. After noticing this I decided to try to help out the cause so I created a Missing Persons poster I felt was appropriate.
After circulating the wanted poster I assumed the issue was probably done with and camp would return to normal for sure I mean what else could go wrong. That is when I was made aware of Alan’s unfortunate incident with the strange object in the backpack that sent him to the infirmary and I began to worry this may be more serious than I previously thought.
After viewing the video above I began to worry what is so crazy about this shed #4 and is this something that should worry me as a camper or is this an issue better left to the proffessionals like Alan and Martha so when I found out that they were investigating it I decided to leave it to them and let them work it out. Then some counselors began to disappear and Dr.Oblivion was still at large and I began to think there was a possible connection and maybe some creepier things in play here. So naturally my couriousity was to much to keep at bay so I was forced to go see this shed #4 for my self and maybe put my mind at ease.
When I reached the shed the woods were far to quite and then as I got closer I began to hear a deep creepy breathing and I decided I had seen enough and quickly turned around and left for my own good but before that I was able to record the sound so that I could bring it to the counselors attention. I was happy to hear that Alan and Martha were both going to the shed themselves to investigate.
After consulting with my excellent bunk mates we decided to go out as a group and re investigate the shed and after hearing the same sound I did we all concluded it could only be one thing…the beginning of a zombie apocalypse. I mean it all made sense the strange object that gave Alan headaches, it was a machine designed to create zombies (we assumed it was possibly created by Dr.Oblivion). We then agreed there was only one logical thing to do and that was alert the people. We did our best to accomplish this by recording and broadcasting our own radio show across the ds106 radio. We all did individual shows and research for different areas and then used our broadcast to educate the general population to the crises that was coming.
Later we gathered that we were a bit mistaken and the missing counselors returned and everything seemed to mellow out at the end and the zombie takeover never materialized but if it ever does our bunk is ready we have had a practice run. Plus with the mysterious disappearance of shed #4 who knows what was ever really in there and thought the mysterious package was secured who knows what other stuff was in there but that is a mystery for the next set of DS106ers so I warn them to keep an eye and an ear out for suspicious activity but also to have fun and enjoy camp.
So this is one of the assignments that I, myself, created! I had fun with it. I hope there are no other assignments like it, I browsed through most of the video assignments to make sure. But for my assignment you have to find a media clip with at least two people creating dialogue and you have to mute one of the voices and use your own voice to create one of the voices in the dialogue. Now you cannot simply repeat the dialogue, because that is no fun. This class is Digital Storytelling, so you have to create a new story when you replace part of the dialogue with your own.
In my example I took a segment from the Godfather, one of the most recognizable segments of dialogue, and muted one of the voices and replaced it with my own to create a new story about how my cat fluffy is sick and needs to go to the vet. I did the assignment by downloading the original Youtube segment of the Godfather onto MPEG Streamclip and then saving it. I then uploaded the saved version onto Windows Live Movie Maker. I split the scenes where the dialogue that I wanted to mute took place and then i mute the dialogue. I then went onto Audacity and recorded the segments that I wanted to voice over with. I uploaded the different sound segments onto Windows Movie Maker into the areas that I wanted my voice, and viola I was done! We now have the Godfather helping me save Fluffy! …such a generic name for a cat I know.
“It is very important to us that you take time to reflect upon your contributions to the course and the work you’ve done. To that end, if you are unsure about where you stand in the class, and would like confirmation, the first step is for you to write your own summary of your work this summer: How do you feel you’ve done keeping up with the assignments? What have you struggled with? What efforts have you made to address those struggles or find solutions? What grade do you think you deserve based on this analysis?” -The Esteemed Directors of Camp Magic Macguffin
Hmmm…this post is kind of hard for me to write, because I know I’ve had some problems keeping up with the class. I know it’s never good to make excuses, but I have been very busy with two jobs and I’ve encountered some unexpected events this summer, unfortunately. Quite honestly, I think taking an online class may have been a little ambitious for me. I really enjoyed the class and I truly wish I had more time to spend on it. I do realize I missed a full two weeks in the middle and am significantly behind grade wise because of that. I am disappointed in myself for going MIA for the two weeks. I was very overwhelmed with some things in my life, and just decided to shut down. For this, I think I probably deserve a C- or a D for my camp performance. Maybe even that’s a little ambitious. I do believe I submitted some quality, well-thought out assignments during my time at camp. I’ve tried my best to keep up these last couple of weeks. I have been really proud of the work I have submitted. I was very surprised with some of my project results; I never thought I could do some of the things I did! It’s always nice to surprise yourself. Despite some of the setbacks along the way, I am truly glad to have taken this course. Thanks for reaching out to me when I needed it and for still having faith in me! It’s been a stressful, yet very fun 10 weeks. I’m going to miss everyone at Camp Magic Macguffin! I look forward to seeing your digital stories in the future. Keep in touch, campers!
Decide what your milestones have been throughout your life. Then find pictures that represent these milestones.
Step 2
Open Power Point and place each image on a slide in chronological order.
Step 3
Go to Insert at the tool bar then click “Text Box” in this box you can write a short phrase or word that explains the milestone and or why it is important to you.
Step 4
Take a screen shot of the final image by pressing command+shift+3. Upload this image to Flickr and tag it VisualAssignments, VisualAssignments621
This is my final reflection of Camp Magic Macguffin.
Below is advice that I give to future DS106 students. It’s all about time management seriously in my opinion that is what gets assignments done efficiently. Also look for tutorials and previous examples for other DS106 students. Manage your time and it will show through your work! Also remember to be creative and have fun! This has been the most interesting/ non dull class I have taken.
Next, you need to find a photo of one of these people. You could get this image by Googling the person’s name. I chose three people that were somewhat similar, so it would confuse my blog viewers, hence the “trolling.” The point is to make the product believable, so you must be tricky! My photo was of Coco Chanel.
Take your second famous person’s name and Google quotes they have made to put on the picture. I chose a quote by Marilyn Monroe (“If you’re gonna be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty”).
And finally, your third famous person’s name will take credit for the quote. I chose Audrey Hepburn.
Use a photo editing site, such as PicMonkey, which I used, to put the text on the photo. Upload the photo to the website. You may edit the photo as you please. I tried to make mine darker so the font would stand out better. Using the text editing tool, add text to the photo. Choose the font style and color you would like. Add the quote and attribute it to the third famous person (-Audrey Hepburn) you chose. Save the edited picture from the PicMonkey website to your desktop. Upload it to Flickr or another photo sharing site and write a blog post explaining your thought process.
This final assignment was difficult to say the least. I didn’t even know where to begin. I decided to have a narrative based on two people. One was telling the story of Camp Macguffin while the other person was asking questions about the camp. The girl (who was me) asking questions was a possible new camper for next summer. She had to be convinced that Macguffin was worth her time. (In the end it was). The other person was narrating the adventures that a camper had at Macguffin. She discussed only a few topics of interest such as Mine Craft and Creative Commons to the possible prospect.
This took a lot of clipping and editing to make the final product. I used different YouTube videos that Martha and Alan put up as well as a YouTube video from the Creative Commons website. I wanted to focus mostly on Creative Commons because it interests me so much, this concept of sharing creativity via internet. I also focused in Mine Craft because I know this is something I want to avoid getting addicted to… because it will happen one day I just know it.
If you’re wondering about the bug eyes on the possible prospect… I mean why not?
Camp is now over (see the final story. If you are craving an experience like this, head over to ds106 and see how to participate. For more on the Summer of Magic Macguffin, see.....