Part of The Daily Create series
Archive for the ‘magicmacguffin’ Category
I Love DS106 – Daily Create #144
Friday, June 1st, 2012The Daily Create 145
Friday, June 1st, 2012Dear Family: a letter home from Camp Magic Macguffin (week #2)
Friday, June 1st, 2012Dear Family,
I arrived at camp a little late, so I’m feeling behind and a little overwhelmed. While everyone is skinny dipping in the lake tonight or making out in the poison ivy, I’ll be catching up on videos, articles, daily creates, and so on and so forth. My bunk mates seem pretty cool and friendly, which helps.
You were right about camp not being as awkward as I thought it would be. I dipped my toe into Minecraft today. I’m looking forward to playing that more. I’m also looking forward to becoming more adept at toggling between the Minecraft window and TeamSpeak window. I feel pretty clumsy, but also motivated by the small amount of progress I made.
Ok. Ok. I’ll say it again. You were right. I’m glad I’m here. I’m glad I didn’t wait until next year to sign up like I had planned. I wanted to learn more about WordPress this summer. I wanted to get into Minecraft this summer. Camp Magic Macguffin is letting me do that and with other people. Things aren’t quite as intimidating when there are other folks around. There are other people to flouder with. There are other people to help guide me through the road blocks. So yeah… I’m excited about camp.
That’s it family. Until next week…
A Momentous Moment, Sure Enough
Friday, June 1st, 2012Though this particular video is nothing to write the congressman about, I think it hints at some exciting possibilities. It was just a lark that led me to see if it was possible to transmit from Second Life in Google Plus.
My first idea was to use the application I’d used before when doing something similar with Justin TV a year or so ago. That application is called CamTwist. It worked but not nearly as well as it did when I used the screen sharing feature of G+ Hangout (as seen in the video above).
So now I’m getting more and more excited with Lisa’s suggestion to have a dance party during the midterm week of Camp Magic MacGuffin. For those unwilling or too scared to venture in to SL, it will be possible to watch the event live.
But who’s gonna choose the music? That is an important question.
Letter from camp 1
Friday, June 1st, 2012It is a long time since I’ve been camping and this is a very different sort of camp. There are bunk houses, not tents. There are even toilets and sinks, wifi is good.
I am setting in but finding it hard to sleep at the same time as everyone else, might be jet lag.
There are tons for campers and it is hard to remember who is who and which bunkhouse they are in. I made a list or two but need more information, my facial recognition is never good. Everyone seems very friendly
There seem to be this really weird wide-game going on. I remember when I was wee at camp we played lots of games where we ran about in the wild capturing folk and generally carrying on. This game is much stranger I’ve only played once and was ‘eaten’ straight away. In the game I have to carry a big block of wood around, it was sort of like a nightmare where your feet are stuck to the ground and you cannot move. I took two minutes, two minutes, to look at my iPhone to see if I could find any rules and I was ‘eaten’. They said I could have my life back and play again but I decided to try and get some sleep. (update, I tried again today, met a couple of folk and got killed a few times before minecraft froze, perhaps I should not have been exporting Quicktime, exporting MPEG streamclip and importing into iMovie al lat the same time).
I have been managing to join in the daily chores, if you remember I always liked that bit of camping. I even like washing dishes in the stream, grit is better than squeeze for getting pots shining (not so good for Teflon).
Before I came some friends suggested there was a sinister aspect to the camp that it smelt a little like a cult, I m happy to report that you have no need to worry about brainwashing, although some of the camp songs are a bit strange.
I do realise that the gif could be really annoying. I am also playing with Google Web Fonts which might be annoying too.
2 out of 3 Ain’t Bad
Friday, June 1st, 2012- TDC142 – Record an annoying sound.
- TDC144 – Record yourself saying I Love DS106 ten times.
Hello world!
Friday, June 1st, 2012Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
Diving into the DS106 Pool and Camping Magic Macguffin Style – Part 2
Friday, June 1st, 2012Watching Michael Wesch‘s lecture “From Knowledgeable to Knowledge-able” (part 1 and part 2) was a great return to some thought provoking material for me. I had the fortune of meeting Wesch briefly and seeing an earlier version of this lecture … Continue reading
The Shape of Cool Hand Luke
Friday, June 1st, 2012
cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog
This is a fairly literal attempt to draw the shape of the story to one of my favorite all time films, Cool Hand Luke (1967) according to the Kurt Vonnegut approach:
In the beginning, since he is drunk and feeling no pain, Paul Newman’s character is doing pretty good at chopping parking meters, although we have no idea why he is doing this. Of course, his track plummets in finding himself in jail. But it is there, among the various characters, that his spirit rises, although he is beaten up in the fight with Dragline (the young but always tough George Kennedy), Luke’s fortune just keeps arcing as his spirit of a fighter is respected by the other prisoners.
Although they are given the grunt work of clearing roads and tarring, it is Luke’s leadership that leads them not only to an early finish, but a bit of a relief of a sideshow when Joy Harmon’s character sexily attends to a dirty car.
Things could not go more in the I range when Luke’s mother die, but sinks lower when he is placed in “the box” as some sort of an example. There we ride the peaks (one of these is the egg eating scene?) and valleys as Luke seems to easily escape but almost as easily ends up brought back to jail. It’s that last one, when the guards make Luke repeatedly dig and bury the same ditch, and essentially (seem) to break him when he asks god for help.
Yet, he is not broken since he (and Dragline) escape one final time- will they break free? No, and they are caught and shot at a church- I place this not so far below because maybe it is an end to the cycle that the prison would give Luke this next time (?). And his stature only grows more in respect after he is no more, when Cool Hand Luke becomes a legend even bigger than a big man. How much more G can you get for a guy who always does things on his terms.
Just sing along with Luke
I made this in Brushes on the iPad, importing a still image of Luke’s glazed eyes while eating one of 50 eggs. I used different layers for the axes, curves, text (I have the hardest time getting it to brush and not move the canvas), and even tossed in a little bit of a background layer to put behind the text.