What you are about to see is based on a true story.
It was Jasmine’s first time at camp, so she really didn’t know what to expect. Arriving at camp seemed normal enough, but she noticed a few of the counselors were acting a bit strange, but her counselor seemed to be the only normal one, with a welcoming message (I guess she knew what her occupation was).

So she thought to herself about the rest of them, “Oh well they are probably as unwilling as I am to be here.” Jasmine’s first few weeks at camp were fun. She even started her camping duties early. 
Which made camp a little bit better. However Jasmine started noticing things disappearing from her suitcase.

Jasmine was thinking to herself that these are weird things to steal, but to each their own. Camp seemed pretty fun. It was still a lot for a city girl to take in, and on top of that she and nature have not been the best of friends, with that being said she stilled tried to embrace it. With her tooth brush, hair brush and socks missing, she decided to just embrace the wild look while at camp.

Which proved to be very cost efficient. It was week 5 at camp when Jasmine noticed Alan’s inability to remember somethings. So she decided to retrace his steps. After a few days of playing super sleuth, she realized that he had been spending time near shed 4, which Jasmine was told not go near. The curiosity became to much to handle where Jasmine found herself spying on Shed 4. Where she noticed Marco the grounds keeper, keeping tabs on her. She then confronted him, asking him why he was following her around. And he replied, “This land is rightfully my family’s, be careful where you poke your nose, you know what they say about curiosity and the cat.
Jasmine gave up the hunt for few days, and decided to try to focus back on camp, but all these questions kept circling her mind….. “Why would they have camp if areas where off limits? Why are camp leaders suffering from memory loss and why are counselors acting strange. No matter who she followed, everything she seemed to uncover lead back to shed #4. So on Friday the 13th of July, she decided to take matters into her own hands and solve the mysterious occurances happening all around camp herself.
Upon entering the shed, Jasmine had to fight off every attack from her conscious telling her to flea, but she ignored it. Jasmine entered into the shed, just to have the door slam being her. All of a sudden this noise filled the air, and made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on edge.
Jasmine then ran towards the door, bursting threw it, in a panic trying to get back to the safety of her bunk house.

After getting back to her Bunk House Jasmine spoke of what occurred to no one. Hoping that nobody was aware of what she did, anxiously awaiting for camp to be over, and praying that her secret remained just that, a secret.