Archive for the ‘magicmacguffin’ Category


Self Portrait (Taken with Instagram at Salem Fields Community)

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

Self Portrait (Taken with Instagram at Salem Fields Community)

Getting Acquainted

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

I’m finally getting accustomed here at Camp Magic MacGuffin.

My first week, despite a few bumps in the road like getting completely turned around as I tried to maneuver my way through setting everything up, has been pretty neat. Though I already had a family-friendly Twitter account, I’m glad to be doing something actively productive with it instead of just posting pictures of my adorable cat. (Here  Littlefoot is covered in packing peanuts.)

I like to add a little narration into everything I do, so…

I don’t know definitively what my guidelines are for my “Letter Home”, but here is what I’ve learned so far this week:

  1. My webcam is very poor quality.
  2. I do not like the sound of my voice on the internet.
  3. I mumble at the end of sentences.
  4. I definitely have seasonal allergies.
  5. I’m not as internet-savvy as I thought I was.

Until next time,


Letter Home

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

Hey Mom,

This week at camp has been very chaotic and fun at the same time. I was very confused with a lot of things that first, but now things are coming together. I had to make a video on a family legend, and I chose to do my video on grandma. I expressed how she always has theories on how to fix things and make things better. And don’t worry, I was careful not to put out too many of her secrets.

Here’s the video…


We also had a watch a video that dealt with media and learning. Mom you should really watch this since you think that social networks are just bad ideas. The person that did this presentation name was Michael Wesch and he is a professor not just some random guy. In his presentation he showed a video on how college students use social media to make changes in the world. He also showed how just a little bit of effort to make a difference can spread quickly and is less costly than other methods. Maybe I will send you the link so you can see that Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube can have positive uses if it is used correctly.

I hope all is well at home and I’ll be sending you another letter soon.

Love Your Daughter,

Kavon Johnson

Michael Wesch Video

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

The presentation that Michael Wesch did was phenomenal. I liked how he opened the presentation talking about the “questions.” He then mentioned how he was driven by questions and made a statement about how we could become a world of learners if everyone was driven by questions. I agreed with that statement strongly. I am a very analytical and I question a lot of things that I do not understand. Why? To learn, and that is exactly what Micheal Wesch stated.

The next thing I liked was how he pointed out the “media” and how it is changing. Like how at first we mainly had printed media, but now he have digital media. He also talked how much it cost for businesses to have a 30 second commercial during the Superbowl and how DORITOS had a contest to pick their commercial. The winners of that contest said it cost them $12.79 to make their video and it cost the company 2.6 million dollars to have it aired. And him, himself created a video in his basement that was free and it was competing with the Superbowl commercial.

I liked how he did the experiment with his class to get their opinion on how they learned, what is education, and how they learn, and how the media helps. For example, Shawn dropped out of school to make a change and he gained publicity and connected people through digital media.

In conclusion, I loved this video a lot. Many people think that media is just used to be lazy and gain information, but the media can be used in many positive ways. It allows people from all of the world connect quickly and easily. Also with being quick and easy, it gives students the chance to use common social networks to make a difference in the world. Michael Wesch said it himself, it allows students to me more “creative” and “helps create new understanding.” I applaud him for making this video and bringing a new outlook on the media social world.

Camp Adventures Week 1

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

Dear Family,

The first week at camp has been exciting and sometimes scary. (There’s a guy here named Hatchet Jack.  Seriously, you did investigate the reputation of this camp before you sent me, right?)

So far I’ve done two arts and crafts workshops: one where I told the story of my dad and the lion and another where I traced a photo of Christopher’s face.
Christopher And The Scorpion

We also sat around the campfire getting to know each other—it was awkward since it was the first time we were all really together, and then the smoke made it hard to see the faces of the other campers…

Oh, do you remember Mike Wesch, the guy I was raving about last year?  He was here! Although the presentation was the same as the one I’d already seen, it wasn’t any less enjoyable.  When I’m home I’m too often reminded of the resistance encountered in the university setting to any REAL change that reflects the reality of how we access, use, manipulate, consume, control, and create information, so it’s nice to be reminded that there are people out there exploring new approaches.  Too often innovation in the classroom is limited to the mere inclusion of technology; students access written documents, submit written assignments and check their grades online, none of which acknowledges the shift in power that has taken place.  Students know the power structure has shifted; instructors can no longer be the keepers of knowledge meting out parcels of information when, how, and to whom they see fit.  Instead they need to take on the role of mediator.  Mike Wesch understands this.

I’ll write more next week.


Week 1 Summary

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

First week of the Camp MagicMacMuffin session of ds106. I’ve keep up with the daily create, here is the Flickr evidence:
Bog Cotton in MotionmoonEntrance to my closeTdc137inverse ravens
I aslo sort of did the two video tasks by combining them into one. I also did a wee bit of web dev and created a very simple iPhone web app for checking what the daily create i on the hoof: Remember to Create Daily. I am hoping to expand this a little over the next few weeks.
As an online participant I allowed myself to skip the critical task. I have read a few of the posts and the ‘camp’ is shaping up. I particularly like the idea of grouping participants into cabins. Should make commenting and keeping up a bit easier.

Update 28 05 12: I noticed that the flickr slideshow didn’t show all 5 photos tagged mmweek1 for some reason. Reverted to copy paste the embed code for each. There must be a flickr grid plugn for wp?

Hello world!

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Two Photos: An Image Daily Create

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

I couldn’t pick on photo for Today’s Daily Create 140 so here are two that I submitted.

Memorial Day Motion

Hyperion Fan Motion


Sunday, May 27th, 2012

SL9B Logo (Wht) by Harlequin Rhode

For those of you who’ve left Second Life or never yet experienced it, an upcoming event might be a good way to get a sense of the current state of the this virtual world. SL98 is the name for Second Life’s ninth birthday celebration and is scheduled to run from June 18 – June 27.

I’ve never experienced one of these but hope to do so this time around. According to the SL9B blog, there are opportunities for exhibitors and volunteers in the SL community to participate. If I get my act together quick enough, I might be able set up an animated GIF exhibition.

The video below is part of a daily series of informative SL9B Public Service Announcements from Crap Mariner‘s crew:

Daily Create #140. Take a picture that represents quickness or…

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

Daily Create #140. Take a picture that represents quickness or motion. #ds106 (Taken with instagram)