Archive for the ‘bunk2’ Category


Art that Pops

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

I am sooo frustrated right now! This blog post has been sitting as a draft in my blog queue! Ugh! It was supposed to post yesterday! :(

Visual Assignment 340–Splash the Color (2 stars). I took this photo while on my historic downtown Fredericksburg photo shoot last Saturday. There is a empty lot on Caroline Street that is “sealed off” by a wooden fence/barrier. To add interest to this wall, local artist showcase 6 different paintings on this wall. I’ve always liked the little surprise that it brings while walking (or driving) down the street. On my trip through town, I decided the photograph the collection at an angel, adding depth perception to my image. Here is the orginial photograph:

After I got the photo image uploaded into FotoFlexer,  it was pretty easy to turn the image to B&W and then make just one painted mural “pop”. All I did was turn the photo to black and white using the greyscale effect. Then I played with the greyscale advanced options. I selected “painted region” in the “apply to menu, selected “original” and marked the box to “invert”. I adjusted the brush size and was quickly able to recolor the one block on the image, the first mural, back to it’s vibrate colors. It really makes it stand out against the rest on the now greyscale image. This was a fun and fairly easy project to do.

Now I can’t stop thinking about all the ways I can do this to other images and create my own art to display! :)

Visuality (week 3)

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

Dear Mom,

Things are picking up here at camp, so much so that I don’t really have time to write to you. In fact, I hardly miss you at all, what with all the projects and activities. This past week I did several daily creates that were image-driven, though I didn’t particularly love any of the ones I did.

On the Rocks with a Twist

I also created a new assignment, not yet listed in the assignment bank, called Gnomify Yourself. The first step of this assignment entails listening to Simple Minds’ “Sanctify Yourself,” after which you must sing the song to yourself incessantly–changing the lyrics to “Gnomify Yourself”–while transforming yourself into a garden variety gnome.

Oh, and one last thing: I made a pic into a sketch. (Props to WikiHow for this tutorial.)

Will write more next week if I have time.



Copy Right Daily Create 155: Mood Inversion – read something…

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

Copy Right

Daily Create 155: Mood Inversion – read something profound and make is sound banal, or vice versa.

Slide Guy Don’t Care

Monday, June 11th, 2012

Just like the Honey Badger!

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by giulia.forsythe

Wäscälly Wäbbits Weception

Monday, June 11th, 2012

Big virtual party as we (sorta) gather all the pictures of the Wäbbits for our big group photo.

Listening to the wisdom of my RSS feeds, Ben reminds us that camp counselors should lead by example. Fellow Wäbbit, John saysKeep Calm and Make a GIF. Not sure how to take Bava’s below the belt advice, but since he was inspired by our other Wäbbit Chanda it must be good.

In honor of herding Wäbbits, I have made a special group photo and included a couple of the animated gifs I made this week. Do not adjust your set. This is the technical difficulties assignment!

Special appearance of @dlnorman‘s bathroom shark (from the storybox)

Too much Coke for Bava

Too much Coke for Bava

and the Gladiator

Please Stand By. Wäscälly Wäbbits are just warming up.

Minecraft Me

Monday, June 11th, 2012

First of all, I had NO idea how FUN Minecraft is. I think being in creative mode makes all the difference. Also using the TeamSpeak server for chatting was so great. It really felt like I was in the same room as Andy, Tim, Shannon, Ben and Allyson.

Being the most experienced of the crew, Andrew Forgrave was especially helpful and patient. He even wrote a great summary of our evening and did some awesome animated GIFs. He assigned us homework to get our own custom skins for the next time we signed in. Et Voila!

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by giulia.forsythe
One of the best things about DS106 is that when you don’t feel like doing one of the thousand existing assignments, you can just create a new one.
And that’s what I’ve done, right here with Minecraft Me

I used a very roundabout method to make my skin. I found a NERD Skin at SkinDex.



Then I imported into Photoshop and edited the tiny little PNG.

Nerdy G!

Nerdy G!

Zoom in and it looks like this:

G Magnified PNG

G Magnified PNG

I couldn’t figure out how to see what I looked like so I stumbled upon this cool editor called Minershoes which let me upload and preview my edited PNG. Of course, I see it’s really simple to just edit it right there and perhaps that would have been smarter, faster, better.

I also see that Andy has a whole new amazing post about skins which is worth checking out, especially if you are a Monkey!

Thanks to Martha, I figured out that you can toggle through the Function + F5 key to change your view option and see what you look like in game. I had already dragged Allyson back in with me, bless her, she took some great shots of me.

In fact, I wanted to use the picture that Allyson was nice enough to take for me but, *sniff*, *sniff*, her pics are copyrighted so embed wasn’t allowed.


Actually most new Flickr accounts are set up like this and it’s kind of tricky to find the settings to make it different. So, on the chance that copyrighted is not the desired sharing preference, here’s how you change the settings:

You > Your Account > Privacy & Permissions > Default for New Uploads > Creative Commons

I choose Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike but apparently that prevents some Wikipedia use, so I’ll let you decide what works best for you.

Creative Commons, as you may know, is a really nice way to allow sharing of your content right up front.

Before DS106 I didn’t really appreciate how helpful it could be for me to release my content under creative commons. With all the riffing and remixing we do off each other, I now realize how useful it is when you are trying to write blog posts and make art.

Of course Larry Lessig really explains it best with his TED Talk. I’m repeating myself here, but some things are worth saying every single semester.

Anyway, I hope my Wäscälly Wäbbits bunkmates can organize a time to hang out in Minecraft again sometime soon. And I hope some of you find time to do the Minecraft Me assignment and get some unique looks going in game!

Activities of Week 3

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

Dear Mom,

I accomplished a ton this week at camp, I had some fun to. This week we started photography which is interesting to me and I had to do a bunch of assignments and some fun daily creates.

The first daily create I did this week was using my phone I took a picture of our backyard with the black and white effect turned on. I hardly ever use my phone to take pictures for some reason but I think I will start because the camera seems to work pretty well. The next daily create was to take a picture of something I envy. I chose to take a picture of my friends car which happens to be the same as the one I used to have before it broke down. I know have a much older model so I miss having a newer car. The next one was to take a picture that includes water, rocks, and the sky. I used a picture I took last week when I was at Yellowstone park

The assignments for this week were really fun, The ones I found to be the most fun were making a poster to demotivate and the Nine Lives assignment. In the demotivate poster I used a picture of Wayne Rooney who is an English soccer player, and just put a caption on the picture. I had a lot of fun looking through funny pictures and choosing that one. I also enjoyed looking through my old pictures and reminiscing on my child hood. Out of the five assingments I chose to do I found those to be the most interesting. Well its been a good week at camp cant wait for next week to start.



My Dream

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

So I created a picture with some of my dreams. First is the background which is a soccer field and i chose this because I have always wanted to play soccer so my dream job would be a professional soccer player. The next picture is of golf clubs and that is because I enjoy playing golf and my dream would be to be a good golfer because at this moment I am not. I would really like to have a Yacht and beach house because I really like going to the ocean and being around water. I used paint to create the image I just copy and pasted them on, the fun part about this assignment was thinking about what my dreams are and what pictures to use to describe them.

My dream

Daily Create 153: take a photo of an old building. Use filters…

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

Daily Create 153: take a photo of an old building. Use filters to make the photo look older. (Taken with Instagram)

The Real Ben Franklin

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

I really liked this assignment I think its a fun idea. My thinking behind this photo was that I just wanted to have fun with the assignment and use some of the tools on the website that would make a funny picture of Ben Franklin because all the pictures you see of him are always so serious. The website I used was , it has many tools and funny animations you can use to edit your photos and most of it is free there are premiums items that you have to pay for but I found the free ones to be enough. I used a tool to change his eye color then I tried using a wrinkle reducer but it did not look good so I removed it. I then added glasses and a gold chain to make sure the photo had the right amount of ridiculousness in my opinion.



The new Ben