Archive for the ‘bunk2’ Category


Keep Calm and Make a Gif

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

A new Assignment form Ben Rimes, ds106 Technical Difficulties | The Tech Savvy Educator worth 36 stars! My own effort took all of 3 minutes so an easy win;-) I started here: KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON with the Keep Calm-o-matic and finished in fireworks, with a bit of noise.

Let’s face it, ds106 is a difficult ship to sail. Besides the shark-infested copyright waters and the mine filled seas of comment-apathy, it can be hard to keep the ds106 boat going forward all the time. So let’s honor the fact that the site will more than likely continue to endure growing pains, and provide some excellent “technical difficulty” signs/gifs/media that can be displayed the next time the site goes down….wait, it’s working now, right?

ds106 Technical Difficulties — MISSION: DS106
Finding time to do a few Assignments today as it has been raining fairly steadily.

Kung Fu Hustle

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

I am fond of animated gifs, but haven’t had time to make any. After seeing Jim Groom’s Master of the Flying Guillotine Animated GIFs I went over to YouTube to see if I could find any kung fu. Kung Fu Hustle – YouTube which I had watched in the cinema. Very much a comedy. I downloaded the movie and grabbed a few gifs:

I didn’t spend much time on these, but there is something fascinating about animated gifs.

To download youtube videos I use youtube-dl a command line tool. It seems to work better than some GUI tools I’ve used.
To grab gifs from the movie once downloaded I use Movie2Gif this is just a GUI front end for the Gifsicle command line application. It works on a Mac and you can download it from a link on the Movie2Gif post if you want to give it a try.

More after the jump:

Letter to Camp Week 3

Sunday, June 10th, 2012
I’ve not been around the camp as much as I hoped this week, so am sending this note. It has been a busy week here in Scottish Edu Tech land.
I did keep up with most of my daily chores, mostly by using my phone and not taking too long about it. I particularly enjoyed the 6 minutes past the hour day, an interesting activity. I’ll embed the various tdcs below and a set from the 6 minutes past too.
I’ve bumped into quite a few campers along the way, mostly on flickr comments is a useful way to keep up with this traffic. I’ve also visited a few of my fellow campers assignment posts and had a few chats.
Strangely I’ve not seen any/many of the folk from my Bunkhouse, the Wäscälly Wäbbits in passing, I’ve not made it into minecraft at all this week. I did watch, in a school I was visiting, some 11 year olds co-operation to build various things in minecraft on iPads. Inspiring and I hope to get up and running in there soon.

My week 2 daily creates:

My 6 past the hour set for tdc ds106 day in your life – Take a photo at 6 minutes past the hour for an entire day.

I’ve installed the Before After WordPress Plugin. I’d used the Javascript before so was please to find a plugin.

The Average of Lily

Saturday, June 9th, 2012

Visual Assignment 13— Averaging Concepts using Flickr (3 stars).  This is a really cool way to make an abstract piece of art. The instructions for this assignment called for using the first 50 images produced on a Flickr search to create an “average” image. The end product reminds me of an abstract watercolor painting!

The Average of Lily

I chose to make the subject of this project: Lilies. I love lilies! They are my favorite flower. In addition to growing them in my gardens, I have pictures of them hanging in my home and tattooed on my body. Not only are they beautiful and fragrant, but their symbolism is powerful to me. Remembering Greek mythology, the ancient Greek gods were not known for their monogamous relationships. Zeus, the king of the gods and the god of thunder, was no exception. Although the Greek hero Hercules was a son of Zeus, his mother was not Hera, the goddess of marriage and children, and the wife of Zeus. A mortal woman gave birth to Hercules. Zeus drugged Hera and took Hercules to nurse from her while Hera was sleeping. When Hera woke up, she saw the baby and pulled Hercules off of her. Some milk spurted from her breast, forming the Milky Way. A few drops landed on earth, resulting in the first lilies.

For centuries, lilies have been associated with innocence and purity. Lilies also represent female sexuality. In addition, an orange lily represents hatred and tiger lilies indicate pride and wealth while the pink stargazer lily is a symbol of prosperity. But I digress, and return back to the true subject at hand, the lily images.

I started by using Bulkr, a Flickr app, the search and select the first 50 photos that came up on a search for “lily”. After downloading the images to my computer, I discovered nearly half of them were missing, having a “no longer available” placeholder instead. Bummer. :(

So I selected and downloaded the next 50 photos is the search but now I had too many. I deleted all the placeholders. Still too many images. So I decide to take a little creative liberty with this assignment, and deleted the photos that contained people, dogs, or other random images that did not focus on the lily flower. When I finally narrowed the images down to a total of 50, I opened Picasa and created a collage.

Then, to “average” or the images, I edited the collage from the “Picture Pile” setting to “Multiple Exposure” in the drop down menu to superimpose the 50 images one on top of the other.

The results looked like this:

Pretty neat way to create an abstract piece of artwork from a collection of images. This image provokes a sensation of peace and joy to me, with its pink and green tones and its watercolor painting design.

Innocence and purity? I think I’d need to see a whiter, lighter blend to create that effect.

Female sexuality? Yeah, I can see that.

What do you think?



A few years off

Saturday, June 9th, 2012

Create a new you — MISSION: DS106 an easy one for 2 stars, if I was counting. I just took off a couple of year so fairly subtile. Read a couple of googled tuts for photoshop: Removing Wrinkles – Photoshop Tutorials and another one I’ve lost.

more intersting, to me, is the Before After WordPress Plugin. I’d used the Javascript before so was please to find a plugin.

Seasonally Friendly?

Saturday, June 9th, 2012

Visual Assignment 129—Cropped Signs (2 stars). I’m finding these assignments a lot of fun. They really challenge you to look at things differently, creatively. The thinking about it, trolling for an appropriate sign and planning the execution was a little time consuming, but I was thinking about it all day, all week, looking around as a went about my days. At work, driving to and from work, every place I visited, every sign I saw, I was contemplating if it was crop worthy for this assignment. I knew this would be fun if I could just find the right subject sign. But I was challenging myself to just be able to take the shot, isolating the right words, without editing the photo later.

Today, I decided to take a walk around historic downtown Fredericksburg to take photos. For visual assignments, for daily creates, for fun. Along the way, I took notice of all sorts of signs, evaluating them skeptically for potential for this assignment. Store signs, road signs, advertisements, etc. It was hot and busy, and my camera was dying. I gave up. I got back into my car and made my way back through downtown to head home. Then it caught my eye! It was on the edge of an alleyway. After finding a place to park and walking several blocks back to the scene, I got the perfect shot! No editing, just using the megazoom on my new Canon PowerShot SX260. I love it!

Seasonally Friendly

Here is the whole sign for The Back Yard at J. Brian’s Tap Room at 200 Hanover Street, Fredericksburg, Va.

The Back Yard

I doubt the owner’s would approve of my creative cropping of their signage as the new meaning, while funny, is not very hospitable. :)

Now I can’t stop looking at signs in a new way…creatively, and a little twisted maybe, but fun nonetheless.




Friday, June 8th, 2012

I promise, I was not slacking this week. It was just that…well, no excuses, I was slacking at DS106/Magic MacGuffin this week, entirely. The week, though, was very productive in non-DS106 ways.

This week I managed to get two of the assigned five Daily Creates finished. I am holding out hope but with a Brinner Party to get ready for Saturday night, I can make no promises other than I’ll have DS106 Radio to keep me company.

Daily Create #1 – Make a monochrome photo.

I took this picture of my daughter’s bathroom sculpture and I’ve been trying to find ways to use her inspiration to jumpstart my week of storytelling.

The toothbrush in front is the “introducer” who announces you
as you enter the comb/toothpaste/toothbrush tower.

Daily Create #2 – Tell a story about your most random job.

This was a ripper of a job and this is only part of the story. Oh the things I could tell you. Like the time when one of my crew tried out the invisible fence and almost passed out or the time when I slipped on an muddy incline during a rain storm and fell only to find out from my boss that was my fault. None the less, here’s the story.

So, those are my two of five creates. I’ll try to slip in one or two more this weekend. The brinner party might provide some storytelling materials.

Daily Create 152:  Tell as story about your most random job.

Friday, June 8th, 2012

Daily Create 152:  Tell as story about your most random job.

More Time (Taken with Instagram)

Friday, June 8th, 2012

More Time (Taken with Instagram)

If you’ve got them…

Friday, June 8th, 2012

Okay, true confessions time: I have a celebrity crush on Sam Elliott. Despite the fact he’s more than 30 years my senior AND older than my dad, I find something about him sexy as hell. No Sean Connery for me. Sam Elliott all the way. If I only had him by the balls…! Just kidding. Maybe.

If you've got 'em...

When I came across an assignment that involved using a celebrity (or three), I couldn’t resist my Mr. Elliott fixation. What, or more accurately who, do I think of when I think of him? Well, Sam Elliott is famous for his western movies…and so is John Wayne.

John Wayne starred in 142 movies and said a lot of stuff. I started googling John Wayne quotes to find one I recognized or liked or could work with. Something fun. And sexy. To go with the sexy Sam Elliott.

Now we have a western movie star theme going. And I need one more strong, male, western man to participate in this activity with us. And in walks in none other than the one and only Clint Eastwood.

One picture of Sam, a quote from John, and the use of Clint’s name…tweek a little in Picasa and, yep, I have compiled three rough, gruff, sexy, older western heroes into one hot shot. And I muse…will my boyfriend raise his eyebrows at me when this image becomes my wallpaper? Maybe!