Archive for the ‘bunk2’ Category


Real Destruction TDC 146

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

First thing I thought of when I saw the new Daily Create was my brothers room and how that was the definition of destruction


shaping our stories

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

Kurt Vonnegut’s elements of a good story include (among other elements): time (stuff happens over time, from beginning to end), characters (whose status is determined by a number of factors), space (setting/environment), and action/plot (stuff happens, characters interact, fall in love or not, fight evil or not, prevail or not, etc). Rushmore is one of my favorite movies of all time (not including Dazed and Confused. As Wooderson says just keep L-I-V-I-N.). The hero of that movie, Max Fischer, follows the “Man in Hole” storytelling arc (as illustrated here by the awesome Maya Eilam. Max starts out in trouble because he is failing out of Rushmore. At the same time, he’s savvy and crafty and creative and energetic and can-do in every sense. He orchestrates his world, and when he can’t (cause we can’t totally control our world), he grows. I love Max because he is creative and an underdog. He is the maker of his own story. That kid embodies so much sadness and drive and goodness. Of course he has to win in the end, even if that winning end is bittersweet.

Daily Create 145: Draw Bugs Bunny (like Chuck Jones). (Taken…

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

Daily Create 145: Draw Bugs Bunny (like Chuck Jones). (Taken with instagram)

The Daily Create 145

Friday, June 1st, 2012

My drawing of Bugs Bunny it took a long time but I was actually able to draw a pretty decent one which is not easy considering my extreme lack of talent in the art department


Letter from camp 1

Friday, June 1st, 2012

It is a long time since I’ve been camping and this is a very different sort of camp. There are bunk houses, not tents. There are even toilets and sinks, wifi is good.

I am setting in but finding it hard to sleep at the same time as everyone else, might be jet lag.

There are tons for campers and it is hard to remember who is who and which bunkhouse they are in. I made a list or two but need more information, my facial recognition is never good. Everyone seems very friendly

There seem to be this really weird wide-game going on. I remember when I was wee at camp we played lots of games where we ran about in the wild capturing folk and generally carrying on. This game is much stranger I’ve only played once and was ‘eaten’ straight away. In the game I have to carry a big block of wood around, it was sort of like a nightmare where your feet are stuck to the ground and you cannot move. I took two minutes, two minutes, to look at my iPhone to see if I could find any rules and I was ‘eaten’. They said I could have my life back and play again but I decided to try and get some sleep. (update, I tried again today, met a couple of folk and got killed a few times before minecraft froze, perhaps I should not have been exporting Quicktime, exporting MPEG streamclip and importing into iMovie al lat the same time).

I have been managing to join in the daily chores, if you remember I always liked that bit of camping. I even like washing dishes in the stream, grit is better than squeeze for getting pots shining (not so good for Teflon).

Before I came some friends suggested there was a sinister aspect to the camp that it smelt a little like a cult, I m happy to report that you have no need to worry about brainwashing, although some of the camp songs are a bit strange.



I do realise that the gif could be really annoying. I am also playing with Google Web Fonts which might be annoying too.

2 out of 3 Ain’t Bad

Friday, June 1st, 2012
You’re welcome for putting this song in your head.

Challenge: Complete three Daily Create projects.
Challenge accepted. I opted in for:
  • TDC145 – Draw Bugs Bunny like Chuck Jones
I’d rather not have drawn anything given that my drawing prowess is really in diagrams and charts vs. cartoon characters but that’s not the point. Part of my purpose for choosing DS106/MagicMacGuffin was to do a little edgework with both my skills and knowledge of digital storytelling and media.
If I had to pick two out of three I’d choose the first and, ironically, the last as my favorites this week. Sure my Bugs looks a little chubby in the center and club footed but who am I to judge. I don’t dislike the Love DS106 radio TDC but watching @jslezak’s (blog)take on it, I’m left wanting for my own. Check Jerry’s contemporary, rational, and level-headed take on I Love DS106 10x
So, in the words of Meatloaf…you’re already singing it…I’ll leave it at that.

Slow Down – Daily Create #144 – Create a video where you say…

Friday, June 1st, 2012

Slow Down – Daily Create #144 – Create a video where you say “I love DS106” ten times.

Daily Create tdc 144

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

First Daily Create with the website working here it is.

What Shape is your Story?

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

I kept wanting to exclaim, “Round is a shape” but in the context of stories, round is not a shape.

Phew – Finally a video that is not more than 15 minutes
Vonnegut’s lecture here suggests that formulas exist in stories. Formulas that help you consider and build your story, formulas that help your audience identify with the story, and formulas that can help you analyze a story or story form.
Thanks to Maya Eilam
Don’t believe me? Think Law & Order franchise or This American Life. It is a simple formula that grips audiences every week and keeps us coming back for more.
So what? Well, as we begin to think about creating stories it can take the route of deciding what type of story to tell. I also think we can start with a story and retrofit the story to a shape.
It got me thinking about the shapes application to longer stories, epic novels, or the emerging narrative genre. What of Ulysses? What of Gone with the Wind? What of the Corasanti Trial in my home town of Buffalo, NY that is unfolding as of the date of this post.
Do Vonnegut’s shapes continue down an infinite x-axis cycling like a sin wave? Perhaps that is more than a story.
I began to think about the stories in my life; not my life as a story mind you (who would play me in the movie?) but the smaller stories in my life. I applied Vonnegut’s shapes to some important stories in my life.
Happily Married - Boy Meets Girl
Thyroid Cancer Survival - Man in a Hole
My Dissertation Journey - Which Way is Up? (though I’m hoping for Man in a Hole)
Those are some serious stories but what about the stories I like to tell to my daughter?
Dad Fishes with Papa - Man in a Hole
Dad Runs a Marathon - Boy Meets Girl (usually around Mile 11 comes the “Oh God damn it”)
Dad Camps for the First Time – Man in a Whole
Dad Gardens - Which Way is Up?

I’d have to give the other shapes and stories more thought. One thing thing about seeing the shape of stories si that I can’t seem to turn it off. Like when you first recognize the formula in This American Life you can’t not see it (Thanks Jamie Bono for that one) or when you hear a newscaster say ‘uh’ or ‘um’.

Camp MacGuffin – Counselor G Log 1

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

For those of you who haven’t met me at Camp MacGuffin yet, my camper name is Doodle Bug because I’m a hobbiest entomologist and I like to draw stuff.

The first week of Camp MacGuffin has been really exciting. First I moved all my stuff into Bunkhouse 1 but realized I read the Bunk assignments incorrectly and had to move to Bunkhouse 2.

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by giulia.forsythe

@Tripper106 is my co-counselor and he’s been rocking the PA system every day on DS106Radio which makes me super happy and productive. You should have seen all the macaroni necklaces I made during his epic setlist. Pics to come, I promise!

Other Bunkhouses have already settled on names, thinking about logos and we’re still in the brainstorming phase. I’m not even sure if we got all the brains to the table yet. But I do know we have a really great group of campers. John Johnston already created a twitter list and an RSS aggregate for us. Yippee!~

A lot of our Bunkhouse2 campers have hit the ground running. Creating assignments & doing them, completing the Daily Creates with fervour but I’m kind of worried about a couple of the campers. The woods and the swamp can sometimes take you through a time vortex and suddenly you come back to the bunkhouse and 3 weeks have passed by without doing a Daily Create, an assignment or even setting up your blog! The swamp, especially, has this swamp monster who is dreadfully boring but to be polite campers will sit down and have a cup of tea and the next thing you know four daily creates have passed!

We also have to remember to take time to comment on the other blogs in our Bunkhouse. I say this but right now I’ve got to run, I was hoping to find time to tie-dye some t-shirts and make some animated GIFs this afternoon but that swamp monster is coming my way!

QUICK UPDATE: happy welcome to @mgershovich who has decided to take the ds106 plunge (he knows it’s #4LIFE)

cc licensed ( BY SD ) flickr photo shared by giulia.forsythe