Archive for the ‘bunk4’ Category
Saturday, June 23rd, 2012
This American Life: Reruns
I enjoyed listening to this episode of This American Life with the overall topic of reruns. It caught my attention because I love reruns. I watch my favorite shows hundreds of times and I read my favorite books until there are creases in the spine. In the prologue, as well as throughout the entire radio show, you get a better understanding of what Ira Glass meant when he talked about “good taste” and being ruthless. The message of the show was clear and the show was fun to listen to because the important details were what stood out.
In Act One, all the topics that Ira Glass talked about on youtube were perfectly exemplified. There were the building blocks: the anecdote and the reflection. The anecdote being the actions of the movie, while the reflection is the interview with Trent Harris. It had the element of finding a great story, both in Starlee Kine finding the story of Trent Harris and in Trent Harris finding Beaver. Trent had good taste in making this movie over and over again. He never put in anything that would take away from the movie and always kept the important details in the movie. Also, the element of personal interaction was evident in Act One. Many connections were made through just one basic story and through those interactions you can internalize that story and see the real drama of the story come out.
The entirety of Act Two was centered around the basic building blocks of story-telling. The personal anecdotes that people tell and the reflections on why do these certain stories get re-told. I liked that in Act Two, there was more focus on why certain stories are told and how these stories affect personal interactions. In the case of Robert and Tamar, the story is now something shared between them because of a variation in detail.
In Act Three, the reflection raised an interesting issue of why people compare themselves to Rosa Parks. It made me stop and think of how the story of civil rights activists are carried through the years and used (improperly) as analogies. This act shows us how personal interaction is a powerful tool in story telling. The interaction between Rosa Parks and the bus driver is a great image for many people, but many distort the overall interaction that lead to this memorable event.
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Saturday, June 23rd, 2012
“Tell a story using nothing but sound effects.”
I used sound effects from to make this story. In Audacity, I complied them together into a recognizable pattern that would tell a story. I trimmed up sound effects where I thought it was needed and overlapped sounds to make a more effective story.
I listened to other sound effect stories to find inspiration and found a lot of suspenseful stories. I was then reminded of what Ira Glass said about story telling, “the power of the anecdote is so great that no matter how boring the material is…there’s suspense in it.” That idea struck a chord with me, the sound effect story does not have to be blatantly suspenseful to be a successful story. Why not use boring material to create story? This question made me brainstorm of boring situations. Where is the feeling of being bored the strongest? The last minutes of a class, obviously. The sequence of actions is completely boring, a person watches a clock, feels bored, sighs, and then finally the bell rings. Simple story but there is a underlying suspense that is just a strong as running from an unknown attacker.
There is a sense of anxiousness in the story, we all now that everyone is waiting for the bell to ring. You remember the feeling of being antsy waiting for that bell. That leads us to the question, why? Why are they impatient? What is happening that they just cannot wait for? The possibilities are endless, a date, a vacation, or simply freedom from school. Where is this person headed next? I left the end of the story to you.
Posted in Assignments, AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments70, bunk4, magicmacguffin, umwsum12 | Comments Off on Typical High School Story
Saturday, June 23rd, 2012
This is my first shot at the DS106 Radio Bumper. For some reason, when I was creating the bumper I couldn’t stop thinking about the Looney Toons. I found the opening theme on and added the theme in as an opener. I then clipped several different songs to create the message in the bumper. I complied all the clips together in Audacity.
Having an assignment like this that is so open to creative interpretation is amazingly fun, yet at the same time, frustratingly hard. You want to create something awesome and memorable and you have to narrow down which resources you use and the multitude of ideas that you have brainstormed. I played with the idea of adding in clips from Doctor Who, The Simpsons, and Star Trek. I toyed with the idea of a musical interlude, different sounds, and different song choices. This was the final cut and I had fun manipulating it until I was happy.
While I was making this bumper, I was trying to figure out how the Looney Toons figured into DS 106. Yet, I thought of all the fun and craziness that accompanies the Bugs Bunny and all his co-cartoons. It definitely makes sense now and has it says in the Tiny Toons theme, “Expect the Unexpected” which seems to be a guiding philosophy at DS 106.
So in the words of Porky the Pig, “That’s All Folks!”
Posted in Assignments, AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments36, bunk4, magicmacguffin, umwsum12 | Comments Off on Radio Bumper
Friday, June 22nd, 2012
cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo shared by John Carleton
In this assignment, we were supposed to tell a story using sound effects only. I decided to create a ghost story. Here it is:
I used FindSounds to look for the effects, then I pasted them together in Audacity.
I like the way this can be used in an EFL classroom. It is great for practicing past tenses, or simply as a creative writing assignment. In pairs or groups, students could first discuss what they think is happening in the story, then write their story. The accent should be not on “getting it right” (i.e. what the teacher wanted to say), but on the students’ creativity.
What do you think has happened in my story?

Tags: AudioAssignments,, AudioAssignments70, DS106,
Posted in AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments70, bunk4, ds106, magicmacguffin, openonline | Comments Off on DS106 Week 5 – The Sound Effect Story
Friday, June 22nd, 2012
cc licensed ( BY ND ) flickr photo shared by Andrew Morrell Photography
Here we are in Week 5 in Camp Magic MacGuffin and now we are working with audio. I was afraid I would find the tasks too difficult by now, but I am still coping. What I learnt in my podcasting EVO course last winter has come in really handy here. I did have a lot of technical issues with the first assignment and I still don’t understand why.
This assignment is about creating a bumper for DS106 radio. I recorded my voice in Audacity and exported the file to LAME. This part worked fine. Then I added some music to it. When I tried to export the new file, Audacity reported an error and couldn’t export the file. I ended up with Audacity’s own .aup file which was completely useless as I was unable to find any other program that would convert .aup to .waw or .mp3. What I did in the end was use Myna to create a new bumper. I still don’t know why I have this problem.
Anyway, here is my bumper:
When it comes to the radio, I am a complete amateur. I don’t know whether a radio bumper is supposed to sound like that, but I kind of like when people on the radio talk to me in an honest and simple way, as if I were one of them. That’s why I didn’t use any effects to alter my voice.
I hope I will have better luck with other audio assignments, but this problem with Audacity is still puzzling me. It seems to happen every time I try to export audio that is a mixture of music and speech (could it be the fact that it is also a mixture of mono and stereo?). The problem is new, but it seems to be here to stay. Any ideas what might be going on?

Tags: AudioAssignments,, AudioAssignments36, DS106,
Posted in AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments36, bunk4, ds106, magicmacguffin, openonline | Comments Off on DS106 Week 5 – Radio Bumper
Wednesday, June 20th, 2012
Take a mainstream artist and chipmunk them
I love those crazy woodland critters that can sing better than me. I have listened to many songs that have been chipmunk-ed. So I was highly excited to see this assignment. In Audacity, I changed the pitch of the song and voilà! I was done.
I love so many songs and couldn’t think of just one to chipmunk. Eventually, after careful consideration, I chose You Can Call Me Al by Paul Simon. Everything about it was just perfect for this assignment. Even if the singing is high-pitched, this song is still a favorite of mine.
Posted in Assignments, AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments494, bunk4, magicmacguffin, umwsum12 | Comments Off on You Can Call Me Al-vin…
Wednesday, June 20th, 2012
Take six very short fragments from six different songs and ensemble them into a single piece.
To start off in Audio, I decided on the “Contest that nobody could win.” I love guessing games and especially musical guessing games. I clipped sections out of six songs and mashed them together in Audacity, which, is quickly becoming my favorite program on my computer.
Saying nobody could win seemed harsh to me, but I was so lost in which six seconds and which six songs to choose. Eventually, I scrolled through iTunes and saw a clump of songs by the same artist. I loved each song individually and decided, why not? So, guessing will be easy and there really isn’t a specific phrase it spells out. The only theme in this mashup, other than the artist, is the sections of song all (sort of) have a pronoun.
In my family, writing well is very important. Any piece of paper, text, email, or dialogue should be grammatically correct or else… I always liked pronouns. They are very social parts of speech. Pronouns remind us of someone or a group. He, She, We, They, even It all evoke an image in our heads. Pronouns are important and should not be ignored, but they are often taken for granted.
Posted in Assignments, AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments89, bunk4, magicmacguffin, umwsum12 | Comments Off on Six Seconds Mashup
Tuesday, June 19th, 2012
For the fourth year I am headed to ISTE just after the end of the school year. This year it will be extra fun because the whole family is headed to San Diego. We’ve got plans for Legoland and the San Diego Zoo set already. I’m hoping to be at Social Edcon on Saturday and I’ll definitely be at the opening stuff for ISTE on Sunday.
On Monday at 4:15 I’m copresenting about and we have a poster session about the site at 1:00 on Tuesday.
If there is something I shouldn’t miss, let me know! Mostly I expect I’ll be in the bloggers’ cafe quite a bit.
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Tuesday, June 19th, 2012
If you have been following this blog lately, you know that there has been a lot of activity here ever since I joined Camp Magic McGuffin. I am a little tired, which is why I have decided to send a postcard home instead of my usual letter. I believe it is the right thing to do after a week devoted to studying design.
I would also like to share with you three of my Daily Creates.
In this Daily Create task we were asked to draw an object with our eyes closed:

I am terrible at drawing and my flower wouldn’t have looked much better if my eyes had been open, but this way at least I have an excuse.
This is a recording of street noise:
But my favourite Daily Create this week was mood inversion – reading something banal and making it sound profound. Here is my modest contribution:
See you in Week 5.

Tags: DS106,, weeklyletter
Posted in bunk4, ds106, magicmacguffin, openonline, weeklyletter | Comments Off on DS106 Week 4 – Wrapping Up Loose Ends
Sunday, June 17th, 2012
My goal with participating in ds106 (in whatever way that played out) was to learn something. I’ve only scratched the surface but I’ve learned quite a bit about GIMP and Photoshop today. In addition, without putting in much effort (as I probably should have done) I am looking at design differently, more aware of choices made and how those decisions impact the overall view of an item. Again, lots more to learn but I’ve gotten started.
I had to make some lame workarounds to create my CC poster because I’m not yet proficient enough in GIMP or Photoshop. That said, I’m fairly pleased with how it turned out. Here’s the original picture from Mean and Pinchy on flickr:
Here’s my take on Creative Commons:
The next assignment I attempted was
If Movie Posters Told the Truth. I’m less pleased with this work because I know if I had more patience I could fix the ‘bad script’ part to look more a part of the poster. Unfortunately it’s late (for me) and I’m not a patient person in general.
I picked a movie I can’t stand because that seemed more fun. It required inventing a new word but it captures my sentiment pretty accurately.
Finally, I tackled
Iconic You. As simple as this looks, it took me a while because I kept trying to make it do too much. I could not come up with one thing to illustrate me and I wanted to create something that included a lot of
the ways I define myself. This design came pretty quickly but I spent a lot of time trying to add more to it. I thought about using the top of the music note to be waves and add something to symbolize biking and running in order to show my participation in triathlons. I thought about adding some little faces to the apple to symbolize my children and husband. After trying some of these out and not liking anything, I got back to the simple. It may not show everything that matters to me, but I like it.
Posted in bunk4, DesignAssignments, DesignAssignments329, DesignAssignments54, DesignAssignments594, ds106, magicmacguffin, openonline | Comments Off on ds106 Design Assignments