The Daily Create 171 – An object that’s hard to find or recognise
I am running out of time before I start packing my suitcases. I am afraid I haven’t got time to record a weekly letter, so instead I will just share this week’s Daily Create assignments.
Above you can see a toy car that is not really a toy car, but my favourite USB stick.
This creepy crawly critter is what I would be terrified of if I saw it in my bunkhouse:
The Daily Create 172 - Sketch the creepiest crawly critter you can imagine
By the way – to create the web-like lines I used Scribbler 2.
Finally, the sound of summer rain after a long period of very hot weather:
The Daily Create 169 - record 30 seconds of ambient sound in your environment
And now I will say goodbye to my friends from the camp and everyone else who is reading this. I am going to a spa and I promise I will come back with a lot of photos and stories to tell.
See you in a week’s time.