The Noun Project credits:
Community by Mike Endale
Beach Ball by Tim Piper
Cap by Oliver Guin
Bicycle by Ugur Akdemir
Archive for the ‘DesignAssignments359’ Category
Not so 80s
Thursday, July 12th, 2012Week 4 – My Autobiography Cover
Saturday, June 16th, 2012
cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo shared by blmiers2
Still not able to devote as much time to DS106 as I would like. I have managed to do a couple of design assignments by now and I have uploaded them to Flickr, but I am running late with blog posts. I will try to keep these posts very short and let the images speak for themselves.
In this design assignment I designed the cover of my “autobiography”, choosing the picture and the title that shows off who I really am.
I used Compfight to search for CC licensed images. I wanted my cover to have a lot of red in it, so I used “red” as my search term. As soon as I saw the robin, I knew I had to use it. It took me some time to think of a title. Finally, I came up with this:
No rational explanation for choosing either colour red or the robin. Not to mention the title. Some things are hard to explain, but they just feel right.
Music is Life
Wednesday, June 13th, 2012My life revolves around music. Music is one of my main types of communication. Words that I couldn’t say, I would find a song that stated how I felt and played it for the person, or ask the person to listen to it. I was always on the top of my music but listening to all types of music and trying my hardest to relate to it. When I seen I could design my own autobiography cover, I knew exactly what I wanted.
I started this collage by finding a picture of something dealing with music and had a heart in it. When I came across this picture on “PicsArt” I downloaded it to the “PicsArt” program. I then clicked “Add Text” and added the words “musics speaks to my heart” and dragged it onto the picture. I chose to add the text so people could know exactly what music does for me and why I love it so much.
For More. Click Here –>>[Design the Cover of Your Autobiography]<<–
Monday, June 11th, 2012–>> For More “Cover of Your Autobiography” <<–