cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo by cryptovalence : http://www.flickr.com/photos/cryptovalence/6910903081/
As I searched through the DS106 Inspire page I found this piece of artwork. As I enlarged the image and took a closer look at it, I was amazed at all the design elements incorporated into it. It looks beautiful! The color scheme chosen creates a very mellow mood, the rhythm of the colors created by the patterns of dark and light ovals/circles gives it a very deep and wavy feel. Everything is consistent in the picture too, even oval shapes are used to draw the octupus itself! This picture was created using layers of variations of sizes and background of the letter “o”! I loved the creative application taken here, as well as a very thorough explanation on how it was done. The assignment was done very uniquely, truly in the spirit of DS106.
The link to this assignment is HERE .